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The best baked potato recipe — perfectly crispy and flavorful on the outside, soft and fluffy on the inside, and so flavorful and delicious.

…how to bake a potato. ♡

It wasn’t until a few years ago that I finally came to appreciate for myself the difference between a good baked potato and a great baked potato.  You know what I’m talking about.  Those baked potatoes whose skins are irresistibly golden and crispy, with a satisfying hint of crunchy salt in each bite.  Those baked potatoes whose insides are perfectly light and fluffy and steamy, ready to enjoy with a dash of fresh chives or maybe loaded up with all of your favorite toppings.  Those baked potatoes that taste like pure, nostalgic, comforting carbohydrate magic, and remind you how satisfying a simple potato can be.

That’s what we’re talking about today.  And the good news for us all is that perfectly baked potatoes are actually incredibly easy to make.  The secret lies 100% in this method below.  All you need are 4 easy ingredients, a few minutes of active prep time and a piping hot oven.  Then before you know it, the best baked potatoes of your life will be ready to serve and load up with your favorite toppings in no time.

Let’s bake some potatoes!

1 medium-to-large Russet potato, scrubbed clean of any dirt
1–2 teaspoons melted butter (or olive oil)
pinch of coarse Kosher salt
pinch of freshly-cracked black pepper

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