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Crock Pot Granola

Custom made granola is essentially not a unique little something I can make in little amounts. All things considered, in case I will make something as addictively firm, rewardingly healthy, and grandly munchy as granola, why settle for anything shy of a major, wonderful clump? In the event that you share my slant, the present simple Slow cooker Granola formula is for you.

bowls of sound granola made in a moderate cooker

Not exclusively is this slow cooker granola the most effortless granola formula I've at any point made, it's solid, won't expect you to turn on the stove, and it takes care of a group… or for my situation, one extremely excited granola eater. This moderate cooker granola can most recent half a month in the wash room and considerably longer in the cooler, so regardless of whether you are making granola for a little family, it merits filling the stewing pot.

bowls of solid clean eating granola with maple syrup, nuts, dried natural product, flax seeds, and move oats.

Simmering pot Granola or "How to Clear Out Your Wash room"

This sound granola formula starts with antiquated oats, at that point can likewise be tweaked to any of your preferred blend ins. I like to utilize the formula to clear out the miscellaneous items from my storeroom:

flax seeds


dried organic products

For this specific slow cooker granola formula, that storeroom stash included walnuts, almonds, pepitas, dried apricots, and a dried cherry and cranberry blend.

bowls of moved oats, nuts, seeds, dried foods grown from the ground fixings expected to make solid granola

The wet-fixing bit of the granola formula—the fixings that improve and tie the oats, nuts and different treats—are the place I feel most custom made granola plans go astray. Many call for gobs of oil and refined sugar, which, in the event that you are searching for a sound granola breakfast or bite, overcomes its healthy reason.

Rather than refined dark colored sugar, I utilized a moderate measure of maple syrup (in the event that you like granola with nectar, that works as well), and I additionally utilized my other most loved sound granola hack: supplanting half of the oil with egg whites. It may sound odd, yet egg white is an astounding granola-folio, it makes the granola daintily fresh, and gives the granola a protein-help, as well. For a without gluten granola formula, look at my Gluten Free Granola.

uncooked solid granola formula fixings in a slow cooker

The Least demanding Approach to Make Natively constructed Granola

To make this simple granola formula, mix everything together right in the moderate cooker, leave the top somewhat unlatched (basic to guaranteeing the granola crisps and doesn't develop saturated), at that point let cook until it's toasty and your whole kitchen smells like a goliath cinnamon bun.

bunch of solid gluten free granola in a simmering pot being mixed with a wooden spoon

You do need to mix the granola at regular intervals, so this formula isn't completely distant. I additionally suggest spreading the granola on a heating sheet to cool for most extreme freshness.

enormous bowl of custom made solid granola made in a moderate cooker

At last, you may find that you despite everything incline toward a progressively exemplary, broiler heated solid granola formula—albeit charmingly crunchy, the moderate cooker granola didn't turn out to be very as fresh as its prepared partners—at the same time, on the off chance that you are searching for the most straightforward approach to make an extraordinary enormous cluster of custom made granola, this simmering pot granola formula is amusing to attempt, and considerably increasingly enjoyable to eat!

On the off chance that you need to take this simmering pot granola to the following level, have a go at utilizing it instead of the bundled granola in Becca's formula for granola breakfast treats.

bowls of solid simmering pot granola

The most effortless approach to make hand crafted granola! Simmering pot Granola. Straightforward, sound formula with oats, nuts, and maple syrup. The moderate cooker accomplishes the work.


4 cups antiquated moved oats — without gluten if vital
1/4 cups crude nuts — or seeds, for example, almonds, pecans, walnuts, or pepitas (I utilized a tad bit of everything!)
1/4 cup ground flaxseed feast — or extra 1/4 cup crude nuts
1 teaspoon ground cinnamon
1/2 teaspoon fit salt
2 enormous egg whites — at room temperature (utilize extra 1/4 cup coconut oil to make veggie lover)
1/2 cup unadulterated maple syrup — or nectar
1/4 cup coconut oil — dissolved and cooled, or light olive oil
1 tablespoon unadulterated vanilla concentrate
1/2 cup dried natural product — slashed into pieces assuming enormous (I utilized low sugar dried cranberries and apricots)


Splash the base and sides of a 5-quart or bigger moderate cooker with cooking shower. Spot the good old oats, nuts or potentially seeds, flaxseed, cinnamon, and salt in the moderate cooker and mix to join.

In a little bowl or enormous estimating cup, whisk the egg whites until foamy. Include the maple syrup (or nectar), coconut oil, and vanilla concentrate. Mix to consolidate, at that point pour over the dry fixings in the moderate cooker and mix with a wooden spoon until the fixings are equally dampened.

Spread the moderate cooker, leaving the top somewhat aslant with the goal that steam can get away. Cook on high (leaving the cover to one side) for 2 to 2 1/2 hours, until the nuts are toasted and the granola feels dry to the touch, mixing the granola at regular intervals. Guarantee that you leave the cover cockeyed after each mixing.

Mood killer the moderate cooker, at that point mix in the dried organic product. For most extreme firmness, spread the granola out onto a heating sheet to cool totally. The granola will keep on crisping as it cools. You can likewise let it cool in the moderate cooker, yet it won't be as fresh. Appreciate!