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Chicken Bacon Ranch Baked Penne

Pasta is unendingly better pressed with cheddar and heated into a velvety goulash—this chicken, bacon, farm combo demonstrates it. Document this under the meaning of solace nourishment!


1 lb penne pasta, cooked and depleted

2 cups destroyed cooked chicken

1 container (15 oz) Alfredo pasta sauce

1/2 cup farm dressing

6 cuts cleaved cooked bacon

2 cups destroyed mozzarella cheddar (8 oz)

Cleaved parsley, whenever wanted


Keep your screen from going dim while you cook.

1. Warmth stove to 350°F. Oil or shower 13x9-inch skillet.

2. In huge bowl, place 1 lb cooked and depleted penne pasta, 2 cups destroyed cooked.

3. chicken, 1 container (15 oz) Alfredo pasta sauce and 1/2 cup farm dressing. Mix to consolidate. Pour blend in container; spread equitably. Sprinkle 6 cuts slashed cooked bacon equally over top, at that point sprinkle with 2 cups destroyed mozzarella cheddar (8 oz).

4. Prepare 15 to 20 minutes or until hot and bubbly. Let stand 5 minutes before serving. Sprinkle with cleaved parsley.

Master Tips

That discretionary sprinkle of slashed parsley includes splendid shading as well as a new taste—don't hold back on the sum you use.

No extra chicken? Purchase a rotisserie chicken—a 2 lb. winged creature will give you around 3 cups of meat.

Use cheddar rather than mozzarella for an increasingly gooey flavor.

Other short pastas, as fusilli or rotini, work similarly well, making the meal simple to gather up to serve.