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French Toast Sausage Roll-Ups

Simple to make and amusing to eat, these French Toast Hotdog Move Ups are constantly famous with my family. A yummy curve on conventional french toast.

A pyramid of six french toasts and frankfurter roll-ups on a white plate with a side of syrup.

I'm wanting all the carbs of late particularly with regards to breakfast nourishments. Customary French Toast has consistently been one of my preferred morning meals and these French Toast Hotdog Move Ups are a pleasant little contort to an old top pick.

A hand dunking a French Toast Wiener Move Ups in syrup.

My children LOVE these and particularly love to assist me with making them.

A bit of bread moved up with a frankfurter connect in the middle and a side of syrup.

However, what's not to adore? Flavorful cinnamon plunged french toast with a yummy hotdog moved up in the middle. Plunge them in your preferred syrup! What's more, in the event that you want to cause a major group you to can generally freeze the extras for a brisk get and-go breakfast for your children.


10 cuts sandwich bread s (white or wheat)

10 completely cooked hotdog joins

3 huge eggs

1/2 cup milk

3 Tablespoons granulated sugar

1/2 teaspoon ground cinnamon

1 teaspoon vanilla concentrate

1 Tablespoon generally useful flour


Cut hull off of bread. Utilize a moving pin or your hands to level the bread.

Spot a wiener connect on the front edge of the bread and move up firmly like a taquito.

Preheat frying pan or skillet over medium warmth. Oil well with spread.

To a shallow dish include the eggs, milk, sugar, cinnamon, vanilla, and flour.

Plunge wiener fold ups into the egg blend, moving tenderly to cover all sides, and spot on hot frying pan.

Cook for a couple of moments, turning tenderly as you go, until brilliant earthy colored on all sides. Serve warm, presented with syrup.

Next time attempt Crunchy French Toast.