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fried honey banna

Searching for a treat that is only for one? Large mass plans are helpful in case you're taking care of a family, yet for a singular cook, two dozen treats is simply excessively! Every one of those additional items regularly simply end up in the junk can – or more terrible, they stay nearby in the cooler calling your name until you wind up eating much more nectar and almond flour than you truly needed to.

Here's an answer for that specific issue: a snappy treat estimated impeccably for a solitary individual, and without the prep and cleanup of an entire huge formula. Banana cuts seared in coconut oil are firm and caramel-sweet outwardly yet warm and delicate in the center.

Include a sprinkle of warm nectar on top, and it's authoritatively a gathering. With no nuts or egg fixings, the formula is immune system and hypersensitivity cordial. What's more, it just takes a couple of moments, so pastry is done nearly when you choose you need a few!

Coconut oil is the best decision to use here, in light of the fact that it's extremely immersed and heat-safe. Spread or ghee would likewise be acceptable, or in the event that you like the flavor of red palm oil, you could likewise utilize that. Love it so much you need to impart to a companion?

Don't worry about it: you can simply twofold or significantly increase the formula to take care of the same number of individuals as you like. Cook a speedy clump from you to you, or get an entire pack of bananas and treat every one of your companions; you'll be flabbergasted at how scrumptious such a straightforward formula can taste.

IngredientsToggle Units

1 banana, cut;

1 tbsp. nectar;