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Ham and Cheese Hashbrown Waffles

Crunchy, yet plush hashbrowns made right in the waffle iron. So brisk, so natural, and just so darn great!

Ham and Cheddar Hashbrown Waffles - Crunchy, yet sleek hashbrowns made right in the waffle iron. So fast, so natural, and just so darn great!

I as of late put resources into a waffle iron. What's more, I've been terrible. Outrageously, downright terrible.

Ham and Cheddar Hashbrown Waffles - Crunchy, yet sleek hashbrowns made right in the waffle iron. So fast, so natural, and just so darn great!

I waffle-ized hashbrowns. But I included cheddar and ham, making these to be basically the best sort of waffles ever.

Ham and Cheddar Hashbrown Waffles - Crunchy, yet smooth hashbrowns made right in the waffle iron. So brisk, so natural, and just so darn great!

They fresh up only impeccably in the iron, while totally liquefying in your mouth with each and every nibble.

Ham and Cheddar Hashbrown Waffles - Crunchy, yet plush hashbrowns made right in the waffle iron. So fast, so natural, and just so darn great!

What's more, with the expansion of the ham, this can without much of a stretch be served for supper with a singed egg on top.

Ham and Cheddar Hashbrown Waffles - Crunchy, yet plush hashbrowns made right in the waffle iron. So fast, so natural, and just so darn great!

You are welcome.


1 (20-ounce) bundle refrigerated hash earthy colored potatoes

8 ounces dark backwoods ham, diced

1/2 cups destroyed cheddar

3 enormous eggs, beaten

2 cloves garlic minced

2 tablespoons slashed new parsley leaves

1/2 teaspoon dried thyme

1/4 teaspoon smoked paprika

Fit salt and newly ground dark pepper, to taste


Preheat a waffle iron to medium-high warmth. Softly oil the top and base of the waffle iron or coat with nonstick splash.

In an enormous bowl, consolidate hash earthy colored potatoes, ham, cheddar, eggs, garlic, parsley, thyme and paprika; season with salt and pepper, to taste.

Pour a sparse 1/2 cup of the potato blend into the waffle iron, close tenderly and cook until brilliant earthy colored and fresh, around 4-5 minutes.

Serve right away.