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Low Carb Bacon & Eggers

An ideal breakfast dinner prep thought where you can prepare your 3 fixings once, and have low carb bacon and eggers all week!

low carb bacon and eggers level lay

This is too easy to even consider evening be a formula, yet given the measure of hard bubbled eggs and cheddar I am eating, I figured it is amusing to zest it up a piece with these little Low Carb Bacon and Eggers. Not so much a formula, progressively like breakfast motivation!

I don't follow a specific low carb diet, I simply find hardboiled eggs and cheddar such a straightforward breakfast, I have been eating this combo for a considerable length of time and months. I have an entire post about how I utilize 3 fundamental things and make numerous mixes of breakfast boxes. That post is here.

Low-Carb-Bacon-and Eggers-3

For dinner prep, on Sunday, I make my hard bubbled eggs ( I destroy them the Moment Pot utilizing this strategy), make my bacon for the week ( I do stove bacon utilizing this technique), and I cut up my cheddar and store in a hermetically sealed compartment. At the point when I go to eat these, I amass them. Simple Peasy!

low carb bacon and egger sandwich

You can get inventive utilizing various kinds of cheddar and in the event that you truly need you can include sauces like dijon mustard… or might I venture to try and state mayo ( hello there, keto peeps!). I lean toward no sauce on my low carb bacon and eggers, however you do you, companions!


3 Hard Bubbled Eggs

1-2 pieces bacon

3 cuts cheddar


To gather your low carb bacon and eggers, basic cut the hard bubbled egg lenthwise, and layer on one bit of cheddar, and a large portion of a cut of bacon. Utilize a toothpick to hold it together if not consuming it right.