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Thai Chicken Satay sticks with Thai Nut Sauce – the best quality level of bona fide Thai nourishment! Marinated chicken with a nut sauce that is so acceptable, everybody will ask for the formula – and will be amazed how Simple it is!

Serve this with steamed jasmine or Coconut Rice. Or then again go all out with a Thai eatery feast total with Thai Seared Rice , Cushion See Ew or Thai Bean stew Basil Sautéed food!

Thai Chicken Satay sticks

At the danger of sounding absolutely unsavory – this is a formula for Chicken Satay sticks with Thai Nut Sauce that really piles up to your preferred Thai café.

At the point when it hits the oven, the smell is SO Lovely you will simply realize they are going to taste stunning.

At that point you have a sample of the nut plunging sauce… … and you'll simply shake your head, thinking about how the hell can something so basic taste so good??!!

Or on the other hand you may be thinking – OMG, I at last broke it, this preferences Precisely like the genuine Chicken Satay I had in Thailand!!! Gracious pause, possibly that is simply in my mind. ?

Overhead photograph of Thai Chicken Satay with Thai Nut Sauce on a plate with rice and cucumbers.

What goes in Chicken Satay and Thai Nut Sauce

It may astound you what a limited number of fixings go in Chicken Satay and the nut sauce! This is what you need:

Fixings in Thai Chicken Satay with Nut Sauce

The BEST Thai Red Curry Glue

Thai Red Curry glue is a "mystery fixing" in both the marinade and the sauce. You simply need about 2.5 tbsp which doesn't seem like a lot, however we don't need this to taste of red curry. We're simply utilizing it as a flavor enhancer.

While I'm a supporter of natively constructed curry glue for Thai Red Curry and Green Curry, for plans like this that utilization a littler amount, I use locally acquired.

I use Maesri Thai Red Curry Glue which I believe is the best by far. I additionally utilize this equivalent brand for Green Curry and Red Curry for brisk midweek curries.

It additionally happens to be the least expensive, at around $1.30 per can at significant general stores like Coles, Woolies and Harris Ranches.

Best Thai red curry glue Maesri

Step by step instructions to make Thai Nut Sauce

Thai Nut Sauce is incredibly easy to make. It's truly only a brief plonk-and-stew work:

coconut milk

red curry glue

juice or white vinegar (not lime juice!)

unadulterated nutty spread (see beneath for more data)

soy sauce

sugar and salt

Step by step instructions to make Thai nut sauce

"For the BEST Thai Nut Sauce, utilize normal nutty spread"

While business nutty spread is alright, on the off chance that you need an extremely incredible bona fide Thai Nut Sauce that genuinely piles up to your preferred Thai café, utilize unadulterated peanut spread. You'll see it in the wellbeing nourishment segment of most general store these days.

Unadulterated nutty spread is made with JUST peanuts – no sugar, oil or different added substances – so the nut enhance is more grounded.

Likewise, normal nutty spread is more slender than business peanut spread spreads (see beneath) which implies you need less water to thin the sauce = better nut enhance in Thai Nut Sauce!

In front of distributing this formula, I attempted the Thai Nut Sauce with normal unadulterated nutty spread versus business peanut spread (Kraft, presently Bega) next to each other to affirm this!

Spoon scooping unadulterated, normal nutty spread from container

I'm a firm adherent that Chicken Satay sticks ought to be sufficiently scrumptious to eat all alone and the nut sauce just takes it over the top. So I like to marinade the chicken to make it extra delicious.

Chicken Satay Marinade

This is what you requirement for the Thai Chicken Satay Marinade:

Chicken pieces – chicken thighs yield the juiciest chicken sticks yet bosom or tenderloin are fine

Red curry glue – see above for my suggested image Maesri

Curry powder – any is fine here

Coconut milk

Salt and sugar

It's ideal to marinade for in any event 3 hours yet even 20 minutes is sufficiently long.

The most effective method to make Thai chicken satay sticks

Cooking the Chicken Sticks

Chicken satay is a late spring most loved to cook on the bar-b-que. Yet, I as a rule cook it on the oven for accommodation.

For an extremely legitimate Thai experience, cook the Chicken Satay over charcoal like it's done in Thailand!

Thai Chicken Satay Sticks cooking in skillet

Thai Chicken Satay is a well known starter on Thai cafés menus alongside Thai Fish Cakes. But at the same time it's optimal filled in as a principle. Serve it with steamed jasmine rice – or with feathery Asian Coconut Rice (it's astonishing!).

For a new side serving of mixed greens, attempt this Asian Slaw, or utilize this Asian Sesame Dressing for a new plate of mixed greens or steamed vegetables.

On the off chance that you need to go all out with a hand crafted Thai Feast, serve this Chicken Satay as the starter with Thai Bean stew Basil Pan fried food, a curry (Massaman Curry, Green Curry or Red Curry) with Coconut Rice as the mains. Or then again Cushion See Ew! ~ Nagi x

Formula source: A unique creation yet the foundations of this formula are from different Thai cookbooks and eminent Thai nourishment specialists like David Thompson and Sujet Saenkham (proprietor of the well known Flavor I Am cafés). But I've made this formula so it's open to regular cooks – without settling!

Chicken Satay sticks with Thai Nut Sauce on a plate, fit to be eaten

Close up of Chicken Satay with Thai Nut Sauce

Thai Chicken Satay

Watch How To Make It

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Formula video above. Thai Chicken Satay Sticks are delectable enough to eat plain however we'd never skirt Thai Nut Sauce for plunging! The fundamental element for an extremely incredible nut sauce is characteristic nutty spread with no additional sugar or oil. Be that as it may, typical nutty spread will work fine as well.


400 g/14oz coconut milk (1 can), full fat

13-16 bamboo sticks , 16cm/6.5" long (Note 1)


600 g/1.2lb chicken thighs , boneless skinless, cut into 2cm/4/5" pieces (Note 2)

1 tbsp curry powder (Note 3)

1 tsp white sugar

2 tsp red curry glue (Note 4)

1 tsp salt


2 tbsp red curry glue (Note 4)

3/4 cup (180g) characteristic nutty spread, smooth (Note 5)

1/4 cup (50g) white sugar

2 tsp dull soy sauce (Note 6)

1 tsp salt

2 tbsp juice vinegar (Note 7)

3/4 cup (185ml) water


2 tbsp peanuts finely hacked

Lime wedges (discretionary)

Coriander/cilantro leaves and cut red stew (discretionary)


In the event that cooking on a bar-b-que or over charcoal, absorb sticks for 2 hours water.


Combine the chicken and Marinade with 1/4 cup of coconut milk, at that point put in a safe spot for at any rate 20 minutes, or overnight.

String onto sticks - I do 4 to 5 pieces each.

Warmth 1.5 tbsp oil in an enormous non stick skillet over medium high warmth.

Cook sticks in clumps for 3 minutes on each side until brilliant.


Spot remaining coconut milk and Nut Sauce fixings in a pan over medium low warmth.

Mix to consolidate at that point stew, blending from time to time, for 5 minutes.

Alter consistency with water - it ought to be a pourable however thickish sauce.

Spread with cover and keep warm while cooking sticks.


Empty some sauce into a bowl. Sprinkle with certain peanuts - mix some through in the event that you need.

Heap satay sticks onto a platter, sprinkle with outstanding peanuts, coriander and bean stew.

Present with sauce as an afterthought for plunging.

Formula Notes:

1. Sticks utilized for Asian chicken satay will in general be shorter than Western sticks. I like them since they fit in skillets! Don't hesitate to make mammoth ones with longer sticks.

2. Chicken - can be subbed with bosom or tenderloin however thigh is best for juiciest chicken. Can likewise sub with hamburger or pork - utilize a decent, pleasantly marbled cut appropriate for brisk cooking.

3. Curry powder - any is fine here. I use Clives or Keens.

4. Red curry glue - The best Thai red curry glue (as I would see it) is Maesri which comes in little jars and furthermore happens to be the least expensive. Sold everywhere markets (Coles, Woolies, Harris), Asian stores. In any case, any brand will do in light of the fact that it's an enhancer as opposed to key seasoning.

On the off chance that utilizing custom made Thai red curry glue, twofold the curry glue, include 1 tsp fish sauce + 1 tsp sugar into chicken marinade, and 2 tsp fish sauce + 2 tsp sugar into Nut Sauce (hand crafted doesn't have the seasonings container glue does).

5. Normal nutty spread is 100% peanuts and has a more grounded nut season than business nutty spread which has sugar and different added substances. It is additionally more slender so less water is required to accomplish the correct consistency. Pretty broadly accessible these days in the wellbeing nourishment segment of general stores.

Can utilize typical nutty spread yet the nut enhance isn't as acceptable and sauce will be thicker. Try not to be enticed to weaken with an excessive amount of water - it will weaken the flavor.

Sub: 1 cup crude unsalted peanuts blitzed until smooth with 1/2 cup or so coconut milk called for in the nut sauce (helps make it excessively smooth).

6. Dim soy sauce includes flavoring and develops shade of sauce. Can sub with light or universally handy soy sauce yet sauce shading will be lighter.

7. Juice vinegar can be subbed with plain white vinegar. Lime juice, rice vinegar or other clear vinegars are an alright substitute however not 100% valid.

8. Nut Sauce - makes more than you will require, most likely just utilize 1/3. Difficult to make less, additionally this formula utilizes an entire jar of coconut milk. Keeps going multi week in the cooler - or freeze.

Utilize extra for:

Sauce for rice, noodles, veggies (crude or steamed)

Make a straightforward Gado with steam veg, hard bubbled eggs and rice

Plunge for prawn saltines and vegetables

As the dressing for this Chinese Chicken Serving of mixed greens, Satay Noodle Plate of mixed greens, Nut Noodle Serving of mixed greens or Sesame Noodles

9. Sustenance is exaggerated. It expect all the nut sauce is expended however just everything being equal, just 1/3 or so is likely.