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Country Sausage Gravy {Biscuits and Gravy} | Self Proclaimed Foodie

The most perfectly awesome scones and sauce originate from a simple Hotdog Sauce produced using scratch with ground pork and seasonings. It is the best solace nourishment when covered over natively constructed buttermilk bread rolls!

custom made hotdog sauce getting poured onto a roll


Not all wiener sauce is the equivalent. I have habitually requested scones and sauce at cafés possibly to be frustrated when it is either excessively thick or excessively flimsy or excessively boring or the frankfurter isn't acceptable.

This formula isn't just speedy and simple to make and with not very many fixings, the flavor is extraordinary!

This formula has been seen well more than 2 million times and you can see from the 100+ remarks how much individuals love this delectable breakfast formula!

Fixings Required:

breakfast wiener


generally useful flour

entire milk

HERE'S The manner by which TO MAKE IT:

The wiener is cooked in spread (photograph 1) since you can't have a decent sauce without the perfect measure of fat!

When the hotdog is adequately cooked, you include the flour (photograph 2). Make certain to let it cook for a few minutes before including the milk. You need it to blend in with the fat and let it cook to where it radiates an astounding fragrance.

At last, to make the sauce, include the milk (photograph 3) and mix ceaselessly over warmth until the sauce thickens (photograph 4).

bit by bit process photographs of how to make breakfast wiener sauce

COOKING TIPS FOR Immaculate Outcomes:

You can purchase prepared breakfast hotdog in mass with no packaging from most meat divisions, anyway I like to begin with plain ground pork and make my own savvy breakfast wiener.

Make a point to utilize a decent container that will brown the meat pleasantly. I generally cook my wiener sauce in my most loved Staub dutch broiler. The container drippings are what give this formula so much flavor.

Try not to substitute the spread with margarine.

I strongly suggest utilizing entire milk for a more extravagant flavor, anyway nonfat or lowfat milk can be utilized.

natively constructed buttermilk bread rolls

Step by step instructions to MAKE Bread rolls AND Sauce:

Start with your preferred velvety breakfast sauce. Clearly this hotdog sauce formula is my top choice, yet I've likewise made Nation Bacon Sauce, Nation Mushroom Sauce on the off chance that you need a meatless adaptation, and Gluten Free Frankfurter Sauce.

Keep the sauce warm over low warmth until you're perused to serve.

At that point, all you need is a new scone and you essentially can't beat a hand crafted flaky buttermilk roll. I want to part my rolls down the middle to expand the measure of sauce I can give splash access.

Newly ground pepper is an unquestionable requirement.

See yourself as cautioned - this formula is acceptable to such an extent that you'll no longer need to arrange them when feasting out in light of the fact that all others will bomb in examination.

nibble removed from natively constructed rolls and sauce

WHAT TO Present WITH THIS Morning meal:

I love an egg formula to go with my scones and sauce. I don't care for runny yolks running into that nation wiener sauce, so I generally serve them with a scramble or omelet.

In case you're not scared of the carbs (hello, you're eating scones and sauce, all things considered), a side of simple breakfast potatoes makes a pleasant expansion, particularly on the off chance that you get an additional spoon brimming with sauce to cover those potatoes.

It's a smart thought to add some shading and produce to your plate too. I make a natural product serving of mixed greens with a mystery fixing that satisfies everybody. Or then again you balance out your scones and sauce with some shriveled sauteed spinach.


1 pound pork breakfast frankfurter (I energetically suggest you make your own, formula interface in notes underneath)

3 tablespoons margarine

1/4 cup universally handy flour

3 cups entire milk


In an enormous skillet over medium high warmth, cook the mass wiener until earthy colored and brittle. In the event that abundance oil, channel while keeping a strong tablespoon of the frankfurter oil in the container. Include the margarine and mix well until dissolved.

Sprinkle wiener with flour, mix, and permit to cook for a few minutes until the flour can retain a portion of the fat and get brilliant earthy colored.

Include the milk and mix. Keep blending once in a while over medium warmth until sauce thickens, 5-10 minutes.


Wiener: You can purchase in mass from the meat counter at the market, you can purchase connections and expel them from the packaging, or you can make your own hand crafted breakfast hotdog from ground pork and seasonings.

Keep it warm: You'll need to serve the sauce hot. Since it's a cream based sauce with a decent lot of fat, it will get thicker as it cools. To keep warm, simply heat over low warmth on the oven until prepared to serve.

To store: Keep the additional sauce in a hermetically sealed holder in the cooler. Should save for 3-5 days.