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Greek Potatoes

They're loaded with rich, lemony flavor, they're delicate and velvety within and gently fresh and caramelized outwardly. I once in a while guarantee a formula is 'the best', yet I truly can't envision preferable Greek potatoes over these!

The absolute best Greek potatoes

Potatoes done the Greek way are a backbone of the normal Greek kitchen. On the off chance that you've never attempted them, you really are passing up a major opportunity.

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Probably the best Greek dishes are cooked gradually, and these potatoes are no special case.

The best Greek potatoes

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They take about 90 minutes to cook, however they are Simple. Essentially cut potatoes into thick wedges, tip into a heating dish and pour over stock, olive oil, lemon juice and oregano. Prepare for 45 minutes, mix well, at that point heat for an additional 45 minutes.

I seldom guarantee anything to be 'the best' yet these truly are THE BEST GREEK POTATOES!

Pour garlic, stock, olive oil, lemon juice and oregano over stout potato wedges and Prepare

I once in a while guarantee anything to be 'the best' yet these truly are THE BEST GREEK POTATOES!

After 90 minutes and this is the thing that you get

I think the main other formula I've set out to call 'the best' was another potato formula – mushy broiled cauliflower pureed potatoes, in case you're intrigued. They're an ideal Thanksgiving or Christmas side!

By and large I'm somewhat hesitant to guarantee that something is 'the best'. In any case, these potatoes… stunning. I didn't stop for a second.

Fresh Greek potatoes – fixings

potatoes (obviously)

olive oil (loads of it!)


chicken stock/stock

lemon squeeze and get-up-and-go

dried oregano

That is only 6 principle storeroom fixings – in addition to salt and pepper, obviously, and a sprinkle of new parsley toward the end on the off chance that you like.

The (not really) mystery fixings…

So what makes these Greek potatoes so delightful? One mystery is a typical one utilized by the Greeks – olive oil, and heaps of it.

So don't be stunned by how much oil is in this formula. Recollect you won't eat the entire container without anyone else. Be that as it may, I won't judge you in the event that you do. What's more, at any rate… Sound FATS!

The following minimal mystery is in the (stock). Since the potatoes prepare in some fluid, they are wonderfully delicate and smooth inside. But since you don't totally cover the potatoes with fluid, they despite everything end up very fresh.

There's likewise garlic and lemon juice, and we don't keep down on these either. Simply toss liberal measures of both in. Joined with a touch of salt, this gives you an exquisite umami enhance.

I seldom guarantee anything to be 'the best' yet these truly are THE BEST GREEK POTATOES!

What to serve your Greek potatoes with

Other than these Greek potatoes being the most delicious potatoes you'll ever eat, they go with such huge numbers of things as a side. I regularly make them nearby Greek meatballs, Greek serving of mixed greens and Greek yogurt – in light of the fact that I'm too languid to even consider making tzatziki!

Greek lemon and oregano chicken with fresh potatoes

Another simple and scrumptious Greek feast, this time with chicken and potatoes!

Be that as it may, the potential outcomes are inestimable. Grocery store rotisserie chicken goes truly well as does any flame broiled or prepared meat, any of the flavorful Greek primary dinners recorded beneath!

I likewise discover these potatoes can be easygoing or extravagant. They're anything but difficult to get ready on a bustling weeknight, yet they additionally make an awesome side to serve to visitors. Go on, get them on your Thanksgiving or Christmas table!

Goodness, and rule number one – remember to scratch the skillet to get the overly dim and firm caramelized bits. Trust me, it's criminal to abandon those!

Greek principle dinners that go particularly well with these Greek potatoes!

Greek broiler prepared fish (your new most loved approach to cook fish!)

Simple moussaka (see my definitive guide!)

Thin chicken moussaka

Greek stuffed peppers and tomatoes

Our preferred heated eggplant with tomato and feta

Or then again in case you're simply getting a charge out of the entire Greek nourishment vibe in this post, you may jump at the chance to look at my Greek plans files!

Fixings (UK/Australia? Snap button beneath for grams and ml)

2 pounds potatoes stripped and cleaved into stout wedges (I utilized 5 medium potatoes)

6 garlic cloves squashed

1/2 cup chicken stock (or vegetable stock)

1/2 cup olive oil

1 lemon juice of (medium to enormous)

1 tablespoon oregano dried

1 teaspoon salt

1/2 teaspoon pepper

parsley for sprinkling toward the end (totally discretionary)

US Standard - Metric


Oil an enormous preparing dish or plate with olive oil and preheat the stove to 400F/200C.

Empty the potato wedges into the dish/plate in an even layer.

Join the garlic, stock, olive oil, lemon, oregano and salt and pepper. Mix well, at that point pour over the potatoes.

Heat revealed for 45 minutes. At that point mix well, turning all the potatoes and spooning over the fluid. Prepare again for an additional 45 minutes or until the potatoes are very much carmelized.

Dissipate with parsley (if utilizing) and present with a portion of the delectable juices. Remember the consumed firm bits on the base of the dish. Mmmm!