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Instant Pot French Onion Soup

Moment Pot French Onion Soup is an eatery quality soup, effectively and consolingly made at home. It is stacked with caramelized onions, hamburger stock, and bested with Gruyere cheddar, for the ideal completion!

We love making dishes in the Moment Pot since it's advantageous and generally done at a small amount of time. Like the Taco Soup and Prepared Potato Soup, this French Onion Soup will immediately turn into your go-to soup.

Simple moment pot french onion soup

Right now Pot French Onion Soup formula is completely scrumptious. Dissimilar to numerous different soups done in the weight cooker, this one requires some additional time and consideration in caramelizing the onions. In the wake of making this soup on numerous occasions, we have arrived at the determination that for an ideal rendition of it, you will fundamentally need to follow two significant advances.

Stage 1: Caramelizing the onions

This progression sets aside some extra effort to do in the Moment Pot. All things considered, it takes around 15-20 minutes to completely caramelize the onions. Thus, make a point to save time for the caramelizing part. Caramelizing is a procedure that happens when sugar is added to the onions, and when they become tanish in shading.

Stage 2: Utilizing top notch hamburger stock

Since stock is the primary fixing here, make a point to utilize natural and great stock. Your soup may be on a par with the stock you are utilizing. The conventional French Onion Soup is made with hamburger stock, and this is the thing that we have utilized here. So on the off chance that you utilize boxed hamburger stock, taste it first!

Instructions to make the ideal moment pot french onion soup:

Watch the formula video instructional exercise appended. In any case, the general advances are as per the following:

Include margarine, cut onions, and earthy colored sugar to the weight cooker. Saute for around 15-20 minutes or until onions are brilliant earthy colored and caramelized.

Next, include garlic, red wine, Worcestershire sauce, and the seasonings. Mix for 1-2 minutes.

At that point, include the hamburger stock. Seal compel cooker and set to cook on high weight for 20 minutes.

After the time is done, discharge pressure normally for 15 minutes, at that point discharge the rest of the weight by opening the vent.

Prior to serving, top the serving bowl with a cut of loaf and a lot of Gruyere cheddar. Spot in the stove for a couple of moments to sear. Cook until cheddar is liquefied, and has a brilliant earthy colored shading.

Formula tips and deceives:

For more profound flavor, you can even utilize Bone Hamburger Stock. Then again, you can substitute the hamburger stock with chicken stock.

For a veggie lover adaptation, utilize vegetable stock.

Top the soup with your preferred cheeses. We have utilized Gruyere cheddar, yet a mix of provolone, Swiss or Parmesan will work similarly also.

picture of weight cooker french onion soup

How to best serve moment pot french onion soup?

This heavenly hand crafted soup is ideal to be served immediately. Include some cheddar top, and utilize a new roll for plunging. Additionally, it's ideal to utilize cheeses that have some sharpness to them, for example, Gruyere or matured Beemster.

Step by step instructions to store moment pot french onion soup:

The soup can be put away in the refrigerator for as long as 5 days. At the point when prepared to serve, heat the soup in a pot, and empty the soup into earthenware bowls. To make the gooey bread besting, organize roll cuts on each bowl, with some destroyed or cut cheddar.

At that point, put under the oven for a couple of moments until cheddar is bubbly and brilliant earthy colored.


5 medium size onions (stripped and meagerly cut)

4 tablespoons unsalted margarine

2 tablespoons earthy colored sugar

5 cloves garlic minced

1 teaspoon dry thyme (discretionary)

1 tablespoon Worcestershire sauce

1 cup red wine (or hamburger stock)

8 cups hamburger stock

1/4 tsp salt and pepper (or to taste)

For serving:

6 roll cuts

2 cups Gruyere cheddar (ground )


Turn on the Moment Pot and Select Sauté mode on High. When it peruses HOT, include the margarine, and mixing with a wooden spoon, liquefy it.

Include cut onions and earthy colored sugar to the Moment Pot. Sauté for around 15-20 minutes or until onions are brilliant earthy colored and caramelized. Mix incidentally.

Next, include minced garlic, thyme, red wine, Worcestershire sauce, and salt and pepper to taste. Mix for 1-2 minutes.

At that point, include the meat stock. Ensure you don't go over the Maximum line of the inward pot.

Seal pressure cooker cover and cook on high weight for 20 minutes. Followed by a 15 minutes Normal Weight Discharge.

After the time is done, discharge remaining weight by permitting steam to vent, at that point evacuate the top. Mix the soup.


Turn on the stove grill.

Prior to serving, top each serving bowl with a cut or two of French loaf and some cut or destroyed Gruyere cheddar.

Spot the bowl on a heating sheet and move into the broiler for few moments to cook. Cook until cheddar is dissolved, bubbly and has a brilliant earthy colored shading.