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italian roasted potatos

These potatoes are cherished by youngsters and grown-ups the same, and they are anything but difficult to make. Simply solid shape the potatoes (try not to strip) and tumble them into a dish. Pour on the olive oil, sprinkle the oregano, strip the garlic cloves (you don't need to do that in case you're pushed for time), combine everything and stick the dish in the broiler. Serve close by some sheep cleaves and a straightforward plate of mixed greens, or simply the serving of mixed greens.


2 ½ pounds waxy potatoes (around 6 medium, for example, Red Joy, unpeeled and cut into 1-inch 3D shapes

12 cloves garlic, stripped

2 teaspoons dried oregano

¼ to ½ cup olive oil



Warmth broiler to 425 degrees. In huge broiling container, join potatoes, garlic, oregano and oil. Mix until potatoes are all around covered, and spread them equally in dish.

Spot in broiler, and dish until brilliant earthy colored and firm, 40 minutes to 60 minutes. (On the off chance that the potatoes are packed in the container, they will take more time to fresh.)

Expel potatoes and garlic from stove, and move to serving dish. Sprinkle with salt to taste, and serve right away.