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loaded garlic french fries

Stove Prepared Stacked Garlic Fries hurled in somewhat warmed slashed garlic, olive oil and genuine salt, much the same as you appreciate at the ball game!

garlic fries in bushel

Simple, arena commendable Garlic Fries

Stacked Garlic French Fries are one of the primary reasons I love going to ball games (Go Dodgers!) and outside of the astounding Dodger mutts and monster sacks of salted peanuts, is anything but a ball game if your breath isn't all garlicky!

Well known recordings from Supper, At that point Treat!

I make fries two different ways in our home. The principal way is the simpler one and the strategy I utilized on these garlic fries. Bundled solidified french fries!

Pause! No! Try not to click away! Haha, I am joking, yet indeed, it is really not normal for me to utilize solidified french fries. The thing about french fries however, is that while they may appear to be so natural to make (potatoes, oil… done right?) they are really a long procedure to do effectively, as with my In-N-Out Creature Style Fries. There is the stripping, cutting, dousing, drying, first fry, rest, second fry.

At the point when I am coming up short on schedule or need a convenient solution, I get a sack of solidified fries (I love Alexia and Cascadian Natural), prepare them and hurl most (kids get unseasoned) of them with a prepared garnish. The garlic and olive oil are my preferred hack since it makes moment garlic fries!

stacked fries enhancing/beating thoughts:

Cheddar powder and powdered milk with a touch of salt for Cheddar and Harsh Cream Fries!

Blue Cheddar Powder (this is my new enslavement since I found it at the Extravagant Food Show in January) and cleaved bacon.

Taco Flavoring bundle with a plunging sauce of sharp cream and a touch of hot sauce blended in.

Creole Fries the Intense Creole flavoring from Tony Chachere's (another Extravagant Food Show find I've adored!)

Ground or new (super finely minced) ginger, a dash of sesame oil blended in with canola oil, minced garlic and salt dunked in teriyaki sauce

So get a few fries, hurl them with this garlic/olive oil for simple, yet flavorful garlic fries. Be that as it may, ensure you are encircled by the individuals who will cherish you regardless of how solid your garlic breath is!


1 sack solidified french fries

6 cloves of garlic , finely minced

1 teaspoon Legitimate salt

2 tablespoons canola oil

hacked parsley for embellish


Note: click on times in the directions to begin a kitchen clock while cooking.

Cook the fries as indicated by the headings on the pack.

At the point when the fries come out of the broiler, put them in an enormous bowl.

A moment or so before serving the fries, put the garlic in a little fry dish with the oil.

Warmth on medium and cook for 15-30 seconds, not long enough to brown the garlic, sufficiently long to take quiet the crude garlic flavor.

Hurl the fries with the garlic oil blend and salt.

Serve hot and decorate with parsley whenever wanted.