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Peanut Butter Chia Oatmeal

A definitive solid breakfast formula, this nutty spread banana cereal is rich, voluminous and will keep you full throughout the morning! Besides it just takes around 10 minutes to make. Each bowl has around 370 calories, 17 grams of fiber (woot!), and 11 grams of protein.

Quite a long while prior this cereal combo with banana, chia seeds and pb was my day by day breakfast for a considerable length of time. Eventually I changed it up and kind of overlooked nutty spread banana cereal yet this winter I began making it again and was immediately reminded exactly how flavorful it is.

As a volume eater I love having the option to eat a major bowl of something while as yet feeing great about it. That why I love servings of mixed greens to such an extent!

Oats, particularly when made with additional water and siphoned up with bananas and chia seeds, is a volume eater's closest companion. The stunt is utilizing twofold the measure of fluid normally suggested. Most good old oats bundles suggest a 1:2 proportion so 1/2 cup oats and 1 cup of water, however when I cause cereal I to do 1/2 cup oats and 1/2 – 2 cups of water (or non-journal milk). The oats take somewhat longer to cook, yet they effectively absorb all the fluid bringing about an a lot bigger bit.

With this formula, the banana and chia seeds help as well. The banana cuts include pleasantness, yet they additionally mollify and grow making the oats extra voluminous while the chia seeds pack in a huge amount of nourishment and make the oats feathery and thick. The key is ensuring you mix the oats while cooking so the banana cuts separate and the chia seeds get even dispersed instead of amassing in one spot. Nobody likes bunches of chia.

Bowl of oats with slashed bananas and sprinkled nutty spread on top.

What's more, how about we not overlook the nutty spread garnish! It may not include a huge amount of volume yet it gives the oats a delectable nutty flavor and an increase in solid fat and protein, which will help keep you full through an occupied with morning. My stunt for making it overly drizzly? Include 1/2 teaspoon dissolved coconut oil to 2 Tablespoons of nutty spread and mix to consolidate. The nutty spread will thin and you can get your sprinkle on.

Bowl of cereal with cleaved bananas orchestrated on one side of a bowl, nutty spread sprinkled on top and a gold spoon standing out of the bowl.

Obviously, nutty spread and banana is perhaps the best combo ever so it bodes well that this nutty spread banana cereal is sooo acceptable. In case you're searching for a sound breakfast formula to add to your turn for the New Year, this would be an extraordinary formula to attempt. Each bowl has around 370 calories, 17 grams of fiber (woot!), and 11 grams of protein!


A definitive sound breakfast formula, this nutty spread banana cereal is smooth, voluminous and will keep you full throughout the morning! Also it just takes around 10 minutes to make. Each bowl has around 370 calories, 17 grams of fiber (woot!), and 11 grams of protein.


1 cup antiquated oats

1 banana, cut (spare a couple for fixing)

1 Tablespoon chia seeds

1 teaspoon cinnamon

touch of ocean salt

3 cups of water, non-dairy milk or a mix of both

2 Tablespoons nutty spread or another kind of nut margarine


Include oats, banana cuts, chia seeds, cinnamon and ocean salt to a pot. Add water and mix to consolidate. Warmth over medium-high warmth for 8-10 minutes or until all the fluid has been retained. Make certain to mix the oats a few times while cooking to ensure the banana cuts dissolve into the oats and the chia seeds don't cluster. You'll realize the oats is done when all the fluid is retained and the oats are thick and fleecy.

Part oats into two dishes and present with nutty spread, banana cuts, and a sprinkle of chia seeds. Include a sprinkle of non-dairy milk as well as maple syrup on top before serving, whenever wanted.