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Kick ass curly hair styles

At ellënoire we will likely make your characteristic hair surface look as well as can be expected, normally!

You'll never observe us going after apparatuses, for example, brushes, brushes and rollers or beat it up with blow-dryers and fixing irons. We are glad to trim, style and shading all hair types, however on the off chance that you have hair that is something besides stick straight, that is the surface we will work with and that is the surface you will leave with. In the event that you are at all acquainted with the DevaCurl items and "Wavy Young lady" strategies then that is the thing that you can anticipate from our profoundly skilled DevaCurl Institute Confirmed beauticians.

During your first "virgin" hair style arrangement our beautician will set aside additional effort to acquaint you with our way of thinking on hair and item use. You won't be relied upon to buy the item we sell, yet it goes connected at the hip with the manner in which we trim, wash down and style hair.

For all arrangements that include a nitty gritty cut or potentially shading interview we expect you to adhere to a couple of guidelines for your arrangement to go as easily as could reasonably be expected. We do all hair styles dry so these solicitations are crucial for giving you the most ideal trim for your characteristic surface.

It would be ideal if you

Show up for your meeting with your hair in its characteristic surface - wavy or wavy - instead of fixed

Ensure your hair is 100% dry down to the root.

Guarantee your hair isn't pulled back or loosened up. This implies NO: braids, cuts, caps, headbands and so on.

Expel every one of your bunches and tangles from root to tip in the shower with conditioner 24 hours before your arrangement. Try not to have a go at detangling your hair while dry on your way here!

Note that we can't suit infant buggies in our salon and unaided kids under 5 years of age whenever. On the off chance that you decide to leave your youngster in our holding up region, kindly guarantee you bring earphones for their electronic gadgets.

For more data on the most proficient method to think about your wavy hair at home look at our How To segment.

Administration Depiction

Virgin Hair style and Counsel - $85

For new first-time hair style customers who have never had a help with us: