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The Story of a Woman Who Willing to Do a Magical Marriage with a White Crocodile

Hi welcome to DP mystery under Mini I will tell you a mystical story about a white crocodile magical marriage Hi this story comes from South Sumatra a family with three children who live in a house close to a rubber plantation the head of this family named Saini his wife asthma and their child  named Dani adding and Fendi everyday Saini works as a rubber tapper while Asthma works as a housewife. 

This family lives in harmony and happiness wrapped in simplicity and carries out routines like a normal family. One day, Asthma finally became pregnant with her 4th child and one night she couldn't.  
Sleeping because he had a craving for grilled chicken Saini also prepared for his wife's wish then fell into a deep sleep after eating grilled chicken in his sleep, yes Saini met someone Oh yes, he really recognized the face, it turned out that this person was a lion.

mail see my grandfather inviting himself to go with him to another realm but I refused because I didn't want to leave my wife and child especially because Central Asmat was pregnant with my grandfather continuing to force Saini until he woke up the incident kept repeating for several days But this time in his dream the grandfather changed his request. 

By saying he wanted to borrow his daughter, of course, this made him even more confused as to what his dream actually meant.  

And cried because he was shocked and afraid of the truth of his dream. In the morning, Saini and Asma decided to go to Lastri's house, a midwife, to check the womb and what happened. Nyi Lastri confirmed that the baby in Asma's womb was a picture. 

It was clear at home that Sri, yes, suddenly Asma was about to give birth and she didn't have to bother going back and forth but for a week there were no signs of birth from Asthma's stomach and they went home to Saini and Asma occasionally suspected whether what they were experiencing had anything to do with dreams It was strange before Hai, in early June 1991, right in the eleventh month of her pregnancy, Asmah dreamed of giving birth to a woman in a flood. 

How shocked she was. Nila Sri arrived she immediately asked for Asma to immediately pull and push Davas but no baby came out. Three days later, Asmah experienced contractions and managed to give birth to a boy. 

She was surprised because after the baby boy came out she no longer felt pain even though she was waiting Another 1-bay will come out of Sri m's crazy stomach Checked and sadly said maybe it wasn't forced luck having twins after the birth of a boy named Roni. 

This family decided to move to another village located near the river. If previously this man worked as a rubber tapper, now he has switched professions to fishing  in the river not long ago Strange incidents occur again pain every Friday night Asmah dreams of a girl named Nurhasanah calling her name and saying that she is the child of Asma and then telling the incident to her husband and Saini also relates the dream when she meets her grandfather who intends to borrow  In the end, both of their daughters became even skinnier that they indeed had a daughter named Nurhasanah, the name given to grandfather Syahrini who was born when asthma experienced bleeding the other day, precisely on 6-6-2016 hundred 91 short story in early January 2001, he had a strange dream again.

Saw his grandfather appear holding the crocodile cub the grandfather said that his presence this time was to return the daughter he had borrowed according to his promise many years ago Saini only remained silent accepting the crocodile cub in his arms Syahrini then woke up startled and looked for his wife who had already woken up and prepared breakfast the day went on as usual suddenly Hi there were two people who came they then introduced themselves the adult man with the stone ring on his finger was Satar the founder of the silat hermitage from Kalimantan while the young man next to him was Udin his student they then stated the purpose of their presence was yes to convey a message from nature  magically through Satar's stone ring and then cast a spell that made Odin suddenly fall into a trance while scribbling on the scribbled paper, yes, the appearance of a figure that resembled my grandfather's face surprised me.

10 years ago to Satar until the series of strange events that had happened to him so far Satar then said Hi that the white crocodile in my knife is a daughter borrowed by his grandfather Saini pensive as if unable to accept the fact he is worried about what the neighbors will say if they find out that they have a child in the form of a white crocodile the next day a white crocodile with a really long snout appeared on the terrace of this forced home and Mother Asma happily approached and carried the white crocodile who immediately said yes. 

Call Nurhasanah, they also prepared a special room and took care of Nurhasanah, they even provided grilled chicken especially as what Asma wanted when she was pregnant, the news immediately spread throughout the village. 

Curious residents came to see Syahrini and Asma, residents from outside the village came and some even asked for Nur's bath water because it was considered sacred. 

Time passed until finally Nur was old.  16 years One evening before sunset, a woman suddenly possessed and admitted that it was Nurhasanah who possessed her. She said she wanted to marry her childhood friend named Habasit in the form of a snake from Kalimantan. 

This surprised me and Asmat because they had never imagined how to carry out their child's wedding.  they doubted they would be labeled as insane parents as soon as the voice of this possessed woman turned heavy.

The level of responsiveness and decorated with all yellow colors, the wedding preparations were also carried out. 

This ceremony was coupled with the event, said Moroni as a twin door se. Not forgetting to invite some of their relatives in the village, but the news apparently spread throughout the province  there were not a few people who opposed this marriage and even the police had to summon Saini due to the excitement of the residents and religious leaders who opposed the wedding ceremony being considered to have ended in Shirk but thanks to advice from Satar the event would still be carried out under the guise of Roni's circumcision event while the marriage contract between Nur and Basit would be  carried out at noon 02.00 in a special room when the marriage ceremony was to be held.

Satar first opened Asmah and Saini's inner eyes. Immediately Saini and his wife saw the commotion in the room which immediately looked very spacious. There were many strange creatures attending this magical wedding, but their shape was half human, half animal.  

Starting from buffalo, bulls, monkeys, etc. Nur and Basit themselves were seen dressed like brides on a magnificent throne, several people who were not against Nur and Basit's marriage still came and entered the room to caress this white crocodile. 

This story continues to be told, even and until now there are still many people who come to visit Mrs. Asma's house and ask for the water used for bathing the crocodile which is said to be able to heal wounds or as a business seller. 

This story is adapted from the story shared by Putra Ramadhan. Do you believe in magical marriages like this?