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Places No Human Has Ever Set Foot on Earth

Some people may believe that the whole world has been explored by now because they don't see men in big hats driving woo den sailboats around. These people would be surprised to find out that there are, in fact, still places on earth that remain unexplored. You will only get to go to the following places, even if you want to.

10. Siberian Sakha Republic 

The Siberian Sakha Republic covers about 20% of Russia. Much of it is above the Arctic Circle, a place not known for being very human-friendly because the average temperature is somewhere between - 40 degrees Fahrenheit and freezing. 

The Siberian Sakha Republic is roughly the size of the entire country of India. Due to the extreme conditions, it still needs to be explored. Most of the region is covered in permafrost, which is frozen soil. It's so cold that the ground is frozen solid all the time but isn't even ice. Good luck trying to trek through these brutal conditions. 

9. Vale Do Javari, Brazil 

This next one refers to a place that no modern, civilized human has ever set foot in. In fact, there aren't very many uncontacted groups of people left in the world, but of the ones that do exist, 14 of them live in Vale Do Javari in Brazil. The area is home to an estimated 3,000 indigenous peoples who have never seen a Pontiac Aztec, or even a wheel, for that matter.

The Brazilian government has made entering this Austria-sized are illegal. It keeps loose track of the inhabitants by observing them from the air. The tribes lived the same way that all humans did all the way up until the agricultural revolution and the birth of civilization.

The Fundação Nacional do Índio, or National Indian Foundation, has stated that the area has the greatest concentration of isolated groups in the Amazon and the world.

8. the Mariana Trench

The Mariana Trench is the deepest point in the entire ocean. It is a 1,500-mile-long scar in the earth's crust at the bottom of the Pacific, located east of the Philippines. The maximum depth, located in an area of the trench known as the Challenger Deep, is 36,000 feet deep.

For perspective, if you drop Mount Everest right into Challenger Deep, the peak would still
be a mile underwater. The only things that live in the Mariana Trench are Xenophyophores, which are strange single-cell organisms that survive by using minerals in the water to form an exoskeleton.

Scientists have yet to confirm that the trench is home to massive sea monsters that humankind will one day have to fight with giant robots. Interestingly enough, President George W. Bush made the trench an official United States National Monument in 2009.

7. Gangkhar Puensum 

Gangkhar Puensum meaning White Peak of the Three Spiritual Brothers is the highest unclimbed mountain in the world and the 40th highest mountain overall. Located in Bhutan, four teams attempted to summit the mountain in 1985 and 1986, but all failed due to extreme weather conditions.

If reading this article gave you a burning desire to be the first to succeed, you may have to put off your expedition. In 1994, climbing mountains higher than 6,000 meters was banned in the area due to the spiritual beliefs of the locals.

Then, in 2003, mountaineering was banned altogether. Because so few people have even been on the mountain, its exact geography is up for dispute. Countries put different areas of the range on other parts of the map.

So before you could summit the mountain, you would first have to deal with a sizeable bureaucratic nightmare and protest the Bhutanese government. Gangkhar Puensum will likely remain unsubmitted for the foreseeable future.

6. Star Mountains

The Star Mountains are an enormous mountain range in Papua New Guinea that stretches from the country's border with Indonesia to the Hindenburg Range, a neighboring mountain range with a less cool name.

Located here is the Hindenburg Wall, a series of mile-high limestone plateaus. The mostly unexplored area has formed its own unique ecosystem and, as a result, is home to many unique species.

One biological survey found that of the 1,100 species they identified as living in the area, 100 had never been seen elsewhere. The Star Mountains are also considered one of the wettest places on earth, receiving 10,000 millimeters per year.

5. Yucatan Cenotes

The Yucatan Cenotes are an extensive cave network located in Mexico. A cenote is a particular type of cave formed when limestone bedrock collapses. As you might expect, caves are some of the newest geographic features on this planet because it is difficult to get inside some of them.

Parts of the Yucatan Cenotes are underwater, which creates additional problems for potential spelunkers. Even fish seem to know that underwater caves are bad news since they're often left alone, even by marine life.

If the idea of an underground cave that nobody has ever been in isn't spooky enough, ancient Mayans used cenotes just like the ones at Yucatan for sacrificial offerings. Maybe we should leave things alone. I really don't see anything good coming out of there.

4. Tsingy De

Bemaraha National Park. Tsingy De Bemaraha National Park is located on the western edge of Madagascar. Madagascar itself was undiscovered by Europeans for some time, so being remote is, in a way, part of Madagascar's history.

The park gets its name from the Malagasy word tsingy, which means where one cannot walk barefoot. Looking at the bizarrely shaped peaks of the limestone mountains, it's easy to imagine a giant doing some balancing act trying to get across.

These limestone peaks serve as a barrier to exploration, leaving most of the area just as it's been since the beginning of time. You may be aware of the area via the game Civilization IV.

3. Greenland

Despite being, you know, a country, there are large parts of Greenland that are unexplored. This is because it's eight million square miles, making it the largest island on the planet, and 80% of that eight million square miles is covered in ice, meaning it isn't super conducive to human travel.

This ice is 3,200 meters thick in places and 400,000 to 800,000 years old. Greenland's population is only 56,000, so they don't need this massive land. There needs to be a real incentive to spread out and deal with the terrible conditions. 

2. the Namib Desert

Bring at least one water bottle if you decide to explore the Namib desert, as the region, one of the aridest in the world, gets only two millimeters of rain every year. It is believed to be the oldest desert on the planet. The 31,000 square mile area is almost uninhabited, except for a few small indigenous groups. 

The desert makes up a large part of Namibia, which sucks for them because it contains almost nothing besides sand. Whatever desert plants and animals can survive on the most minimal amount of water you can imagine.

1. North Sentinel Island

North Sentinel Island tops this list because of all these places. It is the one I would most strongly advise against visiting. The island, located in the Bay of Bengal, is the home of the Sentinelese, a group of people who reject, sometimes violently, any contact with the outside world.

Like the inhabitants of Vale Do Javari, they remain untouched by the modern world. While the island is technically under Indian jurisdiction, the government leaves the island alone. It respects the Sentinelese apparent desire to be left alone by outsiders.

The most recent contact anyone from civilization made with the Sentinelese was in January of 2006, when two fishermen accidentally drifted too close to the island and were killed by the tribe. Of course, there are many places people have yet to explore, like most of Antarctica and the North Pole.

But the ones listed in this Article were more interesting. Now that you're aware, do you have a burning desire to visit any of these places? Do you know of any similar places in the world? Will you ever set shore on North Sentinel Island? Let me know what you think in the comments down below. Also, if you enjoyed this article. Thanks for your Visit!

Source : Bright Side