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Slow Cooker Pesto Mozzarella Pasta

Chicken bosoms made in the moderate cooker with pesto and spread at that point made into a gooey pasta goulash with mozzarella cheddar and parmesan.

This new formula for Moderate Cooker Pesto Mozzarella Chicken is a side project from a cooler dinner I made a couple of months back called Lemon Pesto Chicken. Glancing back at that formula I wish I would have done this to it from the beginning. Including the pasta and parmesan in the moderate cooker toward the finish of the cooking time At that point beating with mozzarella cheddar turned that essential formula I made a couple of months back into a dinner I need to make week by week now.

Slow Cooker Pesto Mozzarella Chicken Pasta

For this formula I attempted the Mezzetta pesto, It did well right now! Obviously, hand crafted pesto would be better however I don't possess energy for that! Other than fixing the chicken with the pesto I likewise include new lemon squeeze and spread. The manner in which the spread tastes with the pasta can't be beat.

Start with chicken bosoms, salt, pepper, lemon juice, pesto and margarine. Truly, that is all you put in from the start. It's that simple.

Slow Cooker Pesto Mozzarella Chicken Pasta

After the chicken is cooked I include a pound of cooked pasta and top with mozzarella cheddar.

Slow Cooker Pesto Mozzarella Chicken Pasta

This supper is delightful enough to eat visitors over! Simply include a serving of mixed greens and French bread for sides,

Slow Cooker Pesto Mozzarella Chicken Pasta

I was apprehensive my little girl wouldn't care for this dinner on account of the green stuff on it. She didn't squint an eye and ate an entire plate! What I love about this supper is the means by which there isn't a lot of prep to do to get this in going in the slow cooker. Putting the chicken and sauce fixings in the stewing pot takes under 10 minutes.

I trust you appreciate this pasta formula! Have an incredible week!

Gear Required:

Slow Cooker-6 quart or bigger


1½ lbs. chicken bosoms

½ tsp. salt

¼ tsp. pepper

1 cup jostled pesto I utilized Mezzetta

¼ cup salted spread

½ lemon

These things don't get included until the end

1 lb. rotini cooked and depleted

½ cup parmesan

2 cups destroyed mozzarella

¼ tsp. dried basil to embellish

US Standard – Metric


Add the chicken to the moderate cooker. Sprinkle with the salt and pepper. Spread over the pesto, press the lemon squeeze over the chicken. Cut the spread into cuts and lay over the chicken.

Spread and cook on low for 5-6 hours without opening the cover during the cooking time.

Close to the finish of the cooking time, cook the pasta as per the bundle headings and channel well.

Shred the chicken with 2 forks. Include the cooked pasta and the parmesan cheddar, mix everything until the pasta is covered with the rich pesto sauce and the chicken is uniformly scattered all through the pasta. Include the mozzarella cheddar over the pasta. Spread for around 15 additional minutes or until the cheddar has liquefied.

Serve and appreciate!