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Skinny Chocolate Chip Banana Bread

Formula: Thin Chocolate Chip Banana Bread

Planning time: 10 minutes

Cook time: 35 minutes

Yield: 14 servings

Serving size: 1 cut

3 ready bananas, pounded
5 oz non-fat Greek yogurt
1 Tbsp light margarine
2 egg whites
1½ cups entire wheat white flour
½ tsp salt
1 tsp heating powder
1 tsp heating pop
½ cup darker sugar
½ cup Stevia (or your preferred sugar)
1 tsp vanilla concentrate
⅓ cup semi-sweet dim chocolate smaller than usual chocolate chips


Preheat broiler to 330ºF.

Shower two portion dish with non-stick cooking splash and put in a safe spot. I utilized ordinary measured portion container or you could utilize little portion dish.

In a little bowl, crush bananas utilizing a fork and put in a safe spot.

In a huge bowl, cream margarine, yogurt, vanilla, and dark colored sugar, and Stevia.

Include egg whites and pounded bananas to wet fixings and beat with a blender on medium speed for 2-3 minutes.

In a different bowl, include entire wheat flour, salt, preparing powder, and heating pop. Utilizing a wire whisk, tenderly combine dry fixings.

Add dry fixings to wet fixings and combine until mixed yet not over blended.

Overlay in chocolate chips to blend.

Move blend equally into the two portion skillet (about half full in each container). The two skillet should just be about ½ full with blend. In the event that utilizing smaller than expected portion dish, the blend should make 4 scaled down daydreams.

Heat for 30-35 minutes until a fork embedded in chocolate chip banana bread portion confesses all. In the event that utilizing smaller than normal portion dish, heat for just 25-30 minutes.

Nourishment Data

Per Serving (1 cut):

Calories: 157

Fat: 2g

Soaked Fat: 1g

Starches: 29g

Fiber: 1g

Sugars: 14g

Protein: 5g

Sodium: 136mg

WWP+: 4

SmartPoints: 6