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Asiago Potato Stacks - A Family Feast®

We're as of now beginning our Christmas supper menu-arranging, and these Asiago Potato Stacks are a tasty and exquisite side dish ideal for any occasion feast!

How would you make Asiago Potato Stacks?

Daintily cut potatoes are first covered in a blend of dissolved margarine, additional virgin olive oil, ground Asiago cheddar and new lemon thyme. (You can utilize normal thyme on the off chance that you can't discover the lemon thyme.)

At that point the potato cuts are stacked in a biscuit dish to make singular servings, and a last additional sprinkle of Asiago is added to the top before preparing.

Asiago Potato Stacks - Excessively easy to make, these delectable potato stacks are the ideal, exquisite side dish to any feast!

These really little Asiago potato stacks come out of the broiler delicate within yet brilliant earthy colored and fresh on the edges! This formula couldn't be any less difficult – and I think they are lovely as well!

You can get inventive with the sort of cheddar and herbs utilized in this formula too. Asiago has a particular, salty taste which is ideal for this formula, however you can likewise utilize Parmesan or Romano on the off chance that you like. We likewise utilized a blend of Reddish brown and yellow (Yukon Gold) potatoes in our formula – only for assortment – yet you can utilize only one sort of potato on the off chance that you'd wish.


A couple of notes: Asiago cheddar is a hard cheddar like Parmesan or Romano yet has an interesting taste that is phenomenal in this formula. It is accessible in many general stores. Additionally discretionary – ocean salt is sprinkled on top after these come out of the stove. On the off chance that ocean salt isn't accessible, coarse fit salt is fine or the salt can even be overlooked.


2 huge long Chestnut potatoes, around 1 ½ pounds

1 pound yellow potatoes, for example, Yukon Gold. (Attempt to discover littler measured potatoes that when cut will fit a biscuit tin)

3 tablespoons margarine

2 tablespoons additional virgin olive oil

1 tablespoon new lemon thyme slashed, (normal thyme if lemon thyme isn't accessible), in addition to additional to sprinkle on tops

1 ½ teaspoons fit salt

¼ teaspoon newly ground dark pepper

½ cup newly ground Asiago cheddar, in addition to additional for tops, see note

Dark ocean salt to top completed stackers (discretionary)

Skillet splash


Preheat broiler to 375 degrees.

Fill an enormous bowl with water and as you strip every potato, place them in the water until you are prepared to cut.

In a little bowl, microwave margarine with oil, thyme, salt and pepper until spread is softened. Mix in ground cheddar.

Dry every potato as you expel from water. Dispose of water. Utilizing a mandolin, cut potato cuts evenly as dainty as could reasonably be expected and place in a huge bowl. At the point when you are about half cut, pour about a large portion of the spread blend over top. Cut the rest and add to the bowl and top with residual spread blend.

With your hands delicately work the potatoes and margarine blend to cover.

Shower a 12 cup standard biscuit container with non-stick cooking splash.

Layer cuts of potatoes in each cup separating similarly. Dispose of any fluid left in the bowl. Sprinkle a little extra cheddar over each stack and heat for 40-50 minutes or until sautéed and fresh and cooked through.

Permit to sit for five minutes to set up, at that point serve, expelling each part from the biscuit skillet with a soup spoon.