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Asparagus Chicken Alfredo Recipe: Creamy Low Carb Indulgence

Snappy, simple, and exquisite! Low carb chicken Alfredo formula (4.6 net carbs) is ideal for a speedy lunch or a sentimental supper. Delicate chicken bosom is cut, prepared with a zesty creole flavoring, and afterward rapidly sautéed while the asparagus is steaming. The natively constructed Alfredo sauce is a Lowcarb-ology formula that you'll need to have close by early.

For this formula you'll require: Alfredo sauce (formula on Lowcarb-ology), chicken bosom, Tony Chachere's Creole Flavoring, Asparagus, Parmesan, Italian parsley, modest quantity of favored oil or bacon fat for fricasseeing

On the off chance that you are in a rush snap here to go directly to the asparagus and chicken Alfredo formula.

This chicken Alfredo formula is pressed with enhance! Simply 4.6 net carbs per serving. SO yummy! From

I love Italian nourishment! I could eat it consistently, every supper if not for the carbs in pasta. To be straightforward I've attempted some low carb pastas however I'd preferably simply have the genuine article once in for some time. At the point when you consider it, however, the sauces make the plans so great. Marinara, Bolognese, Alfredo… and any of those can be low carb (you Must attempt my low carb Bolognese). You simply need a vehicle for getting the sauces into your mouth!

Cut prepared chicken bosom and afterward fry it. Utilizing prepared chicken from your dinner prep day is likewise a simple alternative. When it's cooked hurl it with the steamed asparagus, mix the sauce into it, and sprinkle some additional Parmesan and Italian parsley on the top. Substitute broccoli for the asparagus, or include a couple of mushrooms, or whatever you like. Try not to be hesitant to switch things up to suit your state of mind.

That is it. It truly is that simple.

Simple chicken Alfredo formula with asparagus has recently 4.6 net carbs per serving. SO great! From

Alfredo sauce must be warmed delicately or it will isolate. In the event that you've made it early you can simply warm it gradually on the oven while the chicken is cooking. In the event that it even goes to a full stew it will isolate so be cautious. Try not to warm it in the microwave!

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On the off chance that you can't discover Tony Chachere's flavoring locally Amazon has it. You'll utilize it on a ton of things! It's not excessively zesty but rather has a decent warmth and a flavor that is difficult to portray.

Low Carb Chicken Alfredo Formula

Here's the chicken Alfredo formula. Sustenance data was figured with 2/3 cup my natively constructed Alfredo sauce. You may need less sauce than that.


1 skinless around 8 ounces, boneless chicken bosom

2 teaspoons Creole flavoring Tony Chachere's

3 tablespoons oil

6 ounces Asparagus washed, cut in reduced down pieces, and steamed until delicate

2/3 cup Alfredo Sauce can utilize less for taste

1/4 cup Parmesan ground

2 tablespoons Italian parsley hacked


Cut the chicken bosom on the corner to corner into 1/2 inch thick cuts.

Spot in a bowl.

Sprinkle the flavoring over the top and blend until the chicken is uniformly secured with the flavoring.

In the event that conceivable spread and put in the cooler for a few hours. If not - continue with formula.

Warmth the oil until it is sparkling.

Include the chicken and saute until it is cooked through.

Pour off any residual oil.

Tenderly mix in the asparagus.

Pour the warm sauce over the top and mix tenderly to cover the chicken and asparagus.

Warmth through.

Serve bested with Italian parsley and ground Parmesan


4.6 net carbs. You can substitute broccoli or any vegetable you like for the asparagus in this formula. Simply alter the carbs. The nourishment data was figured with 2/3 cup of Alfredo sauce.. that might be more than you need.