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Scalloped potato roast with garlic & rosemary


1.5kg desiree potatoes

4 garlic cloves, meagerly cut

1 tablespoon rosemary leaves, finely cleaved

1/2 cup (125ml) slight cream

1/2 cup (125ml) Massel chicken style fluid stock.

2 teaspoons entire rosemary leaves

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Stage 1

Preheat the broiler to 200°C. Softly oil a rectangular ovenproof dish (approx 29 x 19 x 5cm profound). Strip the potatoes and cut into cuts around 3-5mm thick.

Stage 2

Organize 33% of the potato into a layer in the base of the dish. Sprinkle a large portion of the garlic and rosemary over the potato. Rehash another layer of potato, the rest of the garlic and slashed rosemary, at that point a last layer of potato cuts.

Stage 3

Join the cream and stock in a container, and speed with a fork to consolidate. Shower over the highest point of the potatoes. Season with newly ground dark pepper, and dissipate the entire rosemary leaves on top.

Stage 4

Spread firmly with thwart and prepare for 30 minutes, until the potatoes are simply delicate. Expel the foil and cook for an additional 30 minutes, until the top is brilliant earthy colored. Represent 5 minutes, at that point slice into square shapes to serve.