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Instant Pot Enchilada Casserole

Moment Pot Enchilada Meal made with prepared destroyed chicken and layered between corn tortillas, enchilada sauce and cheddar that makes a generous feast whenever of the year!

At the point when I was approached to carry a Mexican dish to a little evening gathering, my first idea was Moment Pot Meat Burrito Bowl.

So when I educated the host on what I would bring, she wavered before disclosing to me that another person was at that point joined to bring that dish.

No concerns, I contemplated internally. I realized that I certainly needed to acquire something made the Moment Pot to dazzle my companions.

Consequently I gave her the alternative of me bringing Mexican Rice or Refried Beans.

She burst out in chuckling and revealed to me that those two dishes were taken also.

Not having any desire to strike out once more, I approached her for a recommendation on what to bring.

That is the point at which she referenced Enchiladas. So I promptly directed my concentration toward making Moment Pot Enchilada Goulash.

Destroyed Chicken In the Moment Pot

My first undertaking was to make destroyed chicken. What's more, as usual, I utilized my Moment Pot 6 quart Pair to handle the activity.

Be that as it may, I would not like to make downright destroyed chicken. I needed it to have extra flavors that would commend the Enchilada Goulash.

By utilizing diced onions, garlic powder and fire broiled tomatoes, the chicken took on a heavenly flavor that was ideal for this formula!

Single word of alert while adding tomatoes to the Moment Pot. Make certain to put the tomatoes on the various fixings and Don't Mix!

At the point when left on the base of the liner, the tomatoes tend to make the Consume warning show up on the presentation screen.

Rather, include them as the last fixing and mix after the cooking time lapses.

Moment Pot Chicken Enchilada Goulash

I considered creation the Chicken Enchilada Goulash legitimately in the liner of the Moment Pot.

In any case, I truly didn't need a meal that turned out increasingly like soup. I required a genuine meal that could be cut and effectively served on a plate.

Along these lines, I chose to make the meal utilizing my 7 inch springform skillet utilizing the pot in pot technique.

The pot in pot strategy is a fabulous method to make a formula without its danger consuming.

Furthermore, in light of the fact that you cook it in a different dish on the trivet, you don't need to change the fluid substance in the genuine formula.

The fluid that permits the pot to come to pressure is in the liner of the Moment Pot, permitting your Enchilada Goulash to have the option to be cut and served when completed the process of cooking.

The Layers of Moment Pot Enchilada Goulash

When you have made your prepared destroyed chicken, the dish is collected in minutes.

The base layer comprises of corn tortillas that are sliced down the middle. Basically orchestrate them in the base of your lubed skillet to cover the base of the dish.

Also, don't stress if there are covering territories. That is totally fine!

The subsequent layer will be half of the destroyed chicken that you made.

Next is 33% of the enchilada sauce and destroyed cheddar.

Rehash a similar procedure to make the following segment.

At last, top the Enchilada Meal with the last corn tortillas and enchilada sauce. The last piece of cheddar will be included after the cooking procedure.

The most effective method to Place The Container In The Moment Pot

The inquiry consistently comes up on what is the best strategy to put the springform container in the liner of the Moment Pot.

We utilize a since a long time ago dealt with trivet or a silcone sling. In spite of the fact that, you can basically make a foil sling that works similarly too.

All you have to do remove a 30 inch bit of foil and overlay it longwise in thirds.

At that point place your springform dish in the middle foil and utilize the two finishes collapsed up as handles.

When you have the pot brought down onto the trivet, just overlay the 'handles' over and secure the top.

At the point when the cooking time lapses and the entirety of the weight has been discharged, pull up on the handles to evacuate the pot.

All that is left to do is add the cheddar to the highest point of the enchilada meal and spot the pot once again into the Moment Pot to dissolve on the Keep Warm mode.

What's more, obviously make yourself an Unadulterated Mexican Margarita!


1 pound chicken bosoms

¾ cup chicken stock

1 little onion diced

2 teaspoons garlic powder

1 15 oz can Fire Broiled Tomatoes

1 10 oz. can red enchilada sauce

2 cups Mexican mix destroyed cheddar

9 corn tortillas


Destroyed Chicken

In the liner of the Moment Pot include the chicken stock, diced onion and garlic powder, mix to consolidate.

Include the chicken bosoms (cut on a level plane into equal parts if enormous chicken bosoms) in the fluid.

Pour the container of Fire Cooked tomatoes on the chicken, don't mix.

Include the cover and spot valve in the Fixing position. Weight Cook/Manual on HIGH weight for 10 minutes. After the cooking time terminates, take into consideration Characteristic Weight Discharge for 10 minutes at that point discharge any residual weight.

Evacuate chicken bosoms to a cutting board and shred. Expel the fluid from the liner of the Moment Pot and clean pot.

Collect the Enchilada Meal

Splash a springform or push dish with non-stick cooking shower.

Cut the 9 tortillas down the middle. Utilizing 6 parts (3 entire corn tortillas) layer the base of the springform/push dish, covering when fundamental.

Include ½ of the destroyed chicken to the highest point of the tortillas. At that point include 1/third of enchilada sauce and 1/third of the destroyed cheddar.

Rehash with another layer of 6 tortilla parts, ½ chicken, 1/third enchilada sauce, 1/third destroyed cheddar.

Gather the last layer of 6 tortilla parts and 1/third enchilada sauce. Try not to include the last layer of cheddar.

Freely spread the highest point of the springform/push dish with foil.

Include 1 cup of water and a trivet to the liner of the Moment Pot.

Utilizing a trivet with handles (or silicone sleeve or aluminum foil sling) cautiously bring down your dish into the pot and put on the trivet.

Lock the cover set up with the valve in the Fixing position. Weight Cook/Manual on HIGH weight for 10 minutes. When concocting time is, Fast Discharge the weight.

Cautiously lift the work out of the Moment Pot and expel the foil. Include the rest of the cheddar.

Spot the container once again into the Moment Pot and include the cover (no compelling reason to bolt the top). Let Enchilada Dish sit for 5-10 minutes to permit the cheddar to dissolve and the meal to set.

Serve warm with any proposed garnishes: cilantro, guacamole, sharp cream, green onions, and so on..