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Low Carb BLT Wraps

Appreciate the kinds of a BLT sans bun with our lettuce wrap variant which encases appetizing bacon in a reviving cover of lettuce and tomatoes. A smear of lemon aioli raises lettuce wraps to another level. Present with a hardboiled egg for additional calories and protein.

Low Carb BLT Wraps 


4 cuts (40 grams) uncooked focus cut bacon (confirmed without gluten if vital)

1/2 medium (30 grams) lemon

1/4 cup (60 grams) diminished fat mayonnaise (ensured sans gluten if fundamental)

4 enormous basil leaves, finely hacked

4 enormous Bibb lettuce leaves

2 medium (180 grams) Roma tomatoes, meagerly cut

2 enormous (50 grams each) hardboiled eggs, stripped and cut

1/8 teaspoon coarsely ground dark pepper


Cook bacon until wanted doneness. Put aside on paper towels so overabundance fat can deplete.

Mesh 1/4 teaspoon get-up-and-go from the lemon into a little bowl. Crush around 1 teaspoon lemon squeeze in bowl. Mix in mayonnaise and basil.

Spread 1 tablespoon mayonnaise blend on every one of 4 lettuce leaves. Top uniformly with tomato, egg, and bacon. Sprinkle with pepper. Fold leaves over filling.

Sustenance Data

Serves: 2 | Serving Size: 2 lettuce wraps (incorporates 2 cuts bacon, 1 egg, 1 tomato, and 1 tablespoon aioli)

Per serving: Calories: 280; All out Fat: 16g; Immersed Fat: 4g; Monounsaturated Fat: 2g; Cholesterol: 207mg; Sodium: 464mg; Starch: 12g; Dietary Fiber: 3g; Sugar: 7g; Protein: 12g