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Mexican Hot Chocolate (Slow Cooker)

A Mexican hot cocoa formula that expects you to simply hurl everything in a moderate cooker and let everything concoct. This hot cocoa is made with dissolved chocolate, not simply cocoa powder, flavors like cinnamon and a trace of bean stew powder. The flavor is so rich and tasty, simply the manner in which hot cocoa ought to be!

Mexican Hot cocoa {Slow Cooker} A contort on the customary Hot cocoa. Simple to make and it's ideal to serve visitors!

Self-contradicting chocolate, cinnamon, nutmeg, consolidated milk, and a trace of bean stew powder. How Ahh-mazing. <–I'm certain you've made sense of that that isn't the conventional shopping list for hot cocoa. That is on the grounds that we're doing a bit of the conventional hot cocoa today!

Hot cocoa is the stuff that youth dreams are made of. What's more, on the off chance that your youth was in any way similar to mine, at that point Swiss Miss hot cocoa was unquestionably a staple. Swiss Miss was ideal for my youth, basically on the grounds that I didn't have a clue about any better. I checked out it a couple of years back and truly, I can't make sense of why I enjoyed the stuff. It has the faintest trace of chocolate. I'm dubious that I most likely was definitely not a hot cocoa stiff neck when I was 5. I don't anticipate that my hot cocoa should be a bar of chocolate in fluid structure, however shouldn't a drink that is got the word 'chocolate' in it's title have a lot of chocolate in it's substance? I suspect as much.

hot cocoa is somewhat not quite the same as the conventional stuff we're utilized to. I see it as a slight bit thicker, it's spiced with cinnamon, nutmeg, and a trace of bean stew powder. Try not to stress the bean stew powder is no chance sufficiently able to be fiery, it just includes a little warmth. It's encouraging and comfortable. The flavors are intended to be unpretentious yet add such a great amount of flavor to the chocolate.

The present formula for hot cocoa is fast and simple to make. I included all the substance into a smaller than normal slow cooker that i've saved for plunges and beverages, as hot cocoa. It's the ideal size for the errand. I loathe clearing out my enormous stewing pot when i'm making canapés or hot refreshments for only a couple people.output_1Gmc2cThe fixing list for this Mexican hot cocoa is straightforward:

clashing chocolate

cocoa powder

improved dense milk



bean stew powder


On the off chance that you can hurl everything in a simmering pot and mix it twice consistently, you can make this formula. Warm, ameliorating, and ideal for these special seasons.

sort of insane that it wasn't up to this point I attempted to really make natively constructed hot cocoa. Furthermore, what's crazier is that I didn't figure great hot cocoa could come out of a simmering pot. In any case, i genuinely wasn't right. The flavors get an opportunity to truly sit and upgrade as they are moderate warmed. I make this stuff constantly now.

A great deal of plans call for overwhelming cream or creamer, and in spite of the fact that you can include those in, I chose to go the good old course and simply utilize old fashioned entire milk. This formula would likewise work with 2% or even skim. Get a bar of your preferred self-contradicting chocolate, even dull chocolate chips would work. It's straightforward, unmistakably it's anything but difficult to make, and route less expensive than buying locally acquired blends. As a little something extra, you avoid every one of those additives as well.

Upbeat hot chocolating!


1 tablespoon cocoa powder

1/3 cup high temp water

4 ounces cleaved mixed chocolate

1/2 can (7 ounces) improved consolidated milk

1 stick cinnamon (discretionary)

1/2 teaspoon cinnamon powder

1/8 teaspoon nutmeg

1/2 teaspoon bean stew powder (discretionary)

4 cups (1 quart) entire milk (2% or skim is likewise fine)


In a little bowl join the boiling water and the cocoa powder, mix until smooth.

In the base of the moderate cooker, include the self-contradicting chocolate, dense milk, cinnamon stick, cinnamon powder, nutmeg, bean stew powder, entire milk, alongside the cocoa powder blend. Warmth on low for 2 hours, blending at regular intervals or somewhere in the vicinity.

Serve warm with marshmallows, whipped cream, chocolate syrup, or chocolate shavings.


I've utilized chocolate contributes the past however this can truly be a hit or a miss. For best outcomes, I propose utilizing cleaved chocolate.