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Soon the Earth Will Doomsday! Facts about Extreme Heat Waves that Hit Several World Countries

Some time ago you may have felt the hot air temperature not only during the day but also at night it's not just your feeling how come the air temperature lately especially what happened in May was at an abnormal number  which is usually around 27° Celsius, a number of areas in Indonesia experience hot weather with an average temperature of 35 to 36 degrees Celsius, the hottest in Indonesia was recorded in Surabaya with temperatures reaching 36.4 degrees Celsius and this time several European countries are also feeling the same.  
Same since early July UK is one of the countries affected by extreme heatwave even for the first time in istory UK meteorological agency press red alert since this system was implemented most of UK on 19th July 2012 2temp is above 40° Celsius.

This temperature is not yet previous average or year-round temperatures in england it varies from 4° to 23° celsius it is very rare for the temperature in the uk to get above 29° celsius even according to the tourism office the best time to visit london for summer activities is june to september but this time july is not a friendly month to visit heat wave it is already Never before has the record for the hottest temperature in England ever recorded was 39.9 degrees Celsius mixed in Rich in 2019 the increase in temperature that occurred may be trivial in your opinion but not in England this heatwave nodded England was even called English hell by many citizens and firefighters in Several major fires occurred, such as in Winning Ton, which caused these charred houses. 

Because the ground temperature soared above 50° Celsius, the increase in temperature caused the grass to dry out and sparked fires that spread to houses without anyone starting a fire first, according to several people. 

Eyewitnesses who were also victims of fires, the fire started in the garden belonging to a neighbor, although eyewitnesses tried hard to extinguish the fire, it continued to spread, according to him, there were about 15 to 20 new karr and were even completely uninhabitable as a result, some Londoners were forced to flee because their homes were engulfed in fire  the number of blazes also put the fire department under great pressure and could not do much. 

Two people also had to be taken to hospital to be treated for smoke inhalation after the fire in East London.

to be careful when disposing of cigarette butts and also objects made of plastic that easily melt must be kept away from the grass.

reached 40,000, causing the real temperature to rise to 62 degrees Celsius. This made the railroads bend in England because they were made of steel, which easily absorbs heat.

The average railroad in England was made in the Victorian era and was not designed to withstand the UK's 40° Celsius heat as a result travel delays and additional travel times were varied across England other issues some broadstone roads became sticky due to tarmac According to the residents there.

The streets melt due to the heat , the asphalt becomes like brown, melts and softens when it's hot, and becomes hard and brittle When it's cold, car drivers also complain that the hot asphalt also causes car tires to melt, the problem is getting farther away When a heat wave isn't just disrupting ground transportation some media also reported that the Runway at the UK airport melted down and this is unprecedented as a result some flights were delayed and even temporarily closed Hi maybe meanwhile Portugal has reported over 1700 deaths due to a heatwave that occurred temperatures in the region Portugal, which has been hit by drought, has exceeded 40° Celsius, outside the normal limit, which averages 8 to 29 degrees Celsius. 

The health authorities there have even issued a warning to be prepared to deal with the impacts of climate change.

As temperatures continue to rise, there has been a significant increase in reports.  due to the heat wave from 7 to 13 July only 238 deaths were recorded but entering the period up to 18 July the number of deaths increased to 1063 and According to the available data those most vulnerable to die from the heat wave are the elderly this is Due to the high temperature Ha  i

Ongoing drought and poor forest management in Portugal sparked a number of forest fires and billows of smoke everywhere but since January this heat wave has been going on a small town in West Australia on slow recorded the hottest temperature of 57 degrees Celsius The hottest temperature occurred on Thursday 13 Jan 2012 will equal the temperature 62 years ago in Western Australia's.

Data order according to the Australian Bureau of Meteorology extreme heat that occurs due to the lack of heavy rain in recent times there In addition to the continuous use of petroleum coal and gas is one of the trigger for the increase in extreme temperatures in Australia.

The experts also explained that extreme heat was the main impact of the climate crisis in the UK according to scientists, climate change was the most potential cause of the heat wave that had blown the UK and this climate change was claimed to be man-made after the industrial revolution humans have warmed the world 1.2 degrees Celsius without that heatwave events in the UK and in other countries would not have been possible meaning the events that occurred in the UK Australia and Portugal are the same the root of the problem is human activity some Science also says the number of future deaths will depend among other things on the precautions that people take to protect themselves and the adaptation of infrastructure now heat wave phenomena occur on a longer basis more frequently and are more extreme the degree of severity has an impact more Hi in Asia India is a country that has long experienced heat waves reaching almost 50° Celsius even in some parts of North India and Pakistan at least as many as 90ola died because they were not strong enough to withstand the heat wave that occurred.

Prolonged heat wave conditions have never happened in Indonesia, even when the temperature reached 36 degrees.  

At Celsius The reason is because the country of Indonesia is surrounded by oceans. This condition is one of the components that can reduce heatwaves.