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STILL ALIVE! These are Animals that Can Survive in Volcanic Mountains

In this discussion, I will start with the theory of Charles Darwin, who said that what survives is not the strongest and smartest, but the most adaptable, aka responsive to change. 

Usually, there are several ways that animals do to survive, such as migration and Adapting animals usually migrate when there is a change in temperature, but on the other hand there are also animals that choose to stay and adapt to conditions, for example, volcanoes produce very hot lava temperatures reaching hundreds or even thousands of degrees Celsius. 
At this temperature, aluminum and iron will melt. There wouldn't be any living things that could survive but the hypothesis turned out to be wrong. 

It turns out that there are animals that can live in lava and around it Thousands of meters below sea level, there are animals that look small, they live in the Indian Ocean, which is a volcanic area.  underwater kanik with very hot temperatures.

Called sea pangolin because its shell is similar to pangolin skin as its name suggests the special thing about this snail is its shell which builds a layer of its shell with iron sulfide creating an armor-like condition with high temperature conditions strong acidity and low oxygen making it the only living thing known to have iron in its shell And this is what helps it protect itself from the hot temperatures.

Apart from its special term, this sea slug also has a special heart, it is large in size and can meet the oxygen needs of the symbiotic bacteria that live in its body and make provide nutrients for snails but unfortunately this iron shell sea slug is included in the list of endangered species because of underwater mining activities apart from iron shelled sea slugs that live in hydrothermal vent areas there is one more strange animal, very strange, even very fundamentally different from  all other animals.

The shape looks like a sea plant, but it's not a plant. It's also white. It's a tube with a height that can range from 3 meters.

Well, the tube has a shell that is permanently attached to the seabed. In this tube, there are also animals that live.  this is called the Latin review or commonly known as the giant red tube worm that comes out of the tube is the body part of the worm that is used for breathing.

Ai 540 degrees Celsius, what's interesting is that this type doesn't have a mouth, doesn't have eyes and a stomach cavity, usually tube worms.

This giant gets food by symbiotic mutualism with bacteria found in its body.

Active underwater volcano mount kavaci near the Solomon Islands mount kavaci was recognized as one of the most active volcanoes in the Pacific when Philips and his team lowered the camera around the volcano to a depth of 45 meters they found two species of sharks namely the silk shark and the swimming hammerhead shark around this shark crater was then given the name Shark channel.

Fallow mountain area  pi is estimated to be 5 times the normal temperature of shark habitat, which is around 100 degrees Celsius and even more.

This lava worm also lives at a depth of 1200 meters on a dark seabed with extreme conditions. This animal is called the Latin alfinella pom vessel or Pompeii worm. In contrast to the giant tube worm, the Pompei worm builds a tube-shaped house like coral with a temperature of 105 degrees Celsius. The Pompeii worm is gray.  

Pale gray with gills shaped like red tentacles totaling 4 pairs of gills. This can absorb oxygen to the maximum, considering that the Pompei worm lives in an area with limited oxygen, there is an interesting question.

How does the Pompei worm survive in extreme temperatures? The answer is in the tube that houses it.  only the shape of the tube allows for a decrease in temperature from 80 degrees Celsius on the inside to 14 degrees Celsius. 

The Pompei worm also moves back and forth between the sides of the tube, causing a mixing of hot and cold water. the surface of the Pompeii worm actually only tolerates a maximum temperature of 55 degrees Celsius but the bacteria that coat the worms become a good insulator.

Black Dragon Fish is also one of the animals that can survive extreme hot temperatures. Researchers claim that this species can withstand hot temperatures up to 140  degrees Celsius, it is not surprising that they are easy to find in active seamounts that are 2,000 meters deep. 

From a terrible appearance resembling an alien, it can be seen that this one species is classified as an aggressive predator that can bite its prey quickly to gain food.  his right other adaptability is that he can glow in the dark like a firefly is the name of one of the most active volcanoes in Tanzania This mountain is surrounded by one of the most 

poisonous waters in the world the water temperature also often rises to over 40 degrees Celsius and contains various types mineral material that can burn the skin. Now, with this condition, it is not suitable for most plants, animals, let alone humans, to be able to survive, but there is one animal that is able to survive and not see these waters as a problem. 

This animal is known as the laser Flamingo or Vino konayeus minor  In fact, this place is a gathering place and breeding ground for 2 million laser Flamingo. Now, their pink skin turns out to be hard. Researchers also say that these animals have scales on their feet that prevent them from getting burned, not only that. Laser Flamingo can also drink water that is close to point at and remove the salt from the water with his nostrils.