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If it's in your location, what will you do!? Seconds of Tension Man Meets Giant Shark

For those of you who like challenges, swimming in the open sea will be a pleasure in itself, but be careful the sea is not like land, your view is limited, your movement is also limited. You don't know what's around you, especially sharks. 
I'm not scaring you, but what you should know sharks inhabit every part of the ocean, from deep sea, coral reefs, pelagic zone, to ancient seas. What if you meet him, you panic, you must ask for help.
know but if this Sydney guy he's good at swimming he even dares to jump from a height while showing off his teeth in front of his girlfriend or crush.

Ahay okay according to both of them this must be a romantic moment this guy then recorded himself jumping off a cliff and that's a perfect landing  but the intention to capture romantic moments for girlfriends eh instead became moments that dra  when he dives suddenly he is startled by a large shark and tries to approach him panicking whoever you are going to panic in this situation the man then rushes to swim to the shore and hopes the shark doesn't follow In the final minutes of the video the man is seen in shock and can't believe he passed  the terrible moment earlier Even though I don't know how to swim, but a few tips for those of you who like to swim in the sea, if you are new to swimming with a guide, it will be much safer or swimming in groups, you don't have to be alone, at least it will make the sharks afraid to come closer and don't also swimming in the afternoon or at night is the predator's hungry hours and most importantly don't panic until it will disturb the threat.

The big one is Fishing Mania, it's really good at attracting each other and makes me tired, but me  emphasize again, be careful, take this man's example, Ali got a barracuda, the bait was actually eaten by a shark, unfortunately the shark that took the bait actually made it capsize from the boat.

Also, what's important is that lives are still safe, not only this man who had a thrilling moment with sharks, there was another man whose intention was fishing, but he met a hammerhead shark.

Wanted to deal with the shark for too long earlier the man finally decided to row the boat to the shore, right?
Arrow suddenly there are two sharks that come close to the problem  the shark is not interested in the tuna fish that are shot instead instead he is attracted to the archer lucky he can survive with his catch but this one archer Haven't caught the fish at all eh I just came with the shark the size is quite big and doesn't seem to be watching either  Wanting to take the risk, the archer chose to just get on the boat. 

Okay, the right choice because if not. This incident might happen to him member, now he's just waiting for the waves to come to start the action but from behind a shark attacks him not just once but repeatedly one punch even makes him slammed off the surfboard trying not to panic the way Fanny can do it he swims trying to stay calm towards the beach Untu It's just that the rescue team came and helped him.

According to him, he was pulled down because of the rope on his leg, fortunately the rope broke and he could immediately swim. 

Still can't obscure that this one animal is indeed very scary. The Discovery channel shared this frightening moment.

In 2013, a man in New Zealand had come face to face with a 5 and a half meter long shark from video footage. The monster approached and tried to attack its sharp teeth.  

It was very clear that the diver also looked very scared when the shark circled the cage, the diver felt that the iron cage did not make it safe.

The diver earlier was a professional, of course, but the proof was that he was still afraid even though he was protected by an iron cage, especially if he came face to face with a shark without protection.

To know how it feels, just look at this man's face. I'm sure this person is not joking. Surely the same thing will happen to me as well as you.

How come the shark is already very close even for one attack I don't know what will happen or maybe our thoughts are with the lucky man it looks like the shark is not hungry or just bluffing if it's just a bluff Okay that man should be ashamed of this woman the names are ori and Reny  first he tried to swim to the kaiwi strait from molokae to owahuhai the distance was very far, about 45 km, when he had swam far away, the danger came, he saw a tiger shark, maybe 3 meters in size, tried to approach him, the problem was that the shark didn't move away, even when the boat arrived, this condition was one the only thing you have to do is Sia  fishing is mental for safety reasons the virus gets on the boat and doesn't continue swimming.

One of the advantages of sharks in hunting is their refusal to give up, that should be an example for us if the prey has been targeted.

This happens because sharks use a lot of energy to do that but Discovery UK once captured a giant white shark. The world's largest predator jumps from the water to a height of four and a half meters above the water.