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Living with Wild Animals Since Childhood, This Is the Current Condition

Became one family and I didn't expect that there were mogli in the real world. I'm curious to see the following video about true stories of human children who were raised by animals. But before continuing, don't forget to click subscribe and activate your notifications so that together we continue to share interesting information from the popular list.
Hi, definitely Aksana Malaya Okay, let's start with the story of a woman named Oxana Malaya, who was born normally in the Ukrainian village of Nova blagoveshchensk in 1983, abandoned outside the house by her parents at the age of three, then looking for warmth in a dog kennel on a farm. 

Since then he lived with a dog in 1991 the authorities found at the age of eight he could not speak and behaved like a dog and was then transferred to an orphanage for children with special needs to undergo therapy and learning already on the March channel mcdermott shared one of his video documentation during his learning years as a teenager where he still often behaved  like a dog but gradually changes a lot and starts to speak fluently Hi, now he works at an animal hospital You're not only Oxana, yes it turns out.

Hi Jones, his mother Hi there is also the story of Jonson having a child in Uganda who ran away into the forest after witnessing his father killed the mother the Guardian in his report mentions John was cared for and taught by a group of vervet monkeys in 1991 a villager named Choose to find Yes in the documentary Animal Planet Choose to say that John was originally mistaken for a monster his knees bleached a used to walk his nails grew large and curled up and body covered in thick hair Animal Planet returns to record his condition at the Orphanage and the school continues to adapt with difficulty such as learning to bathe and socialize now John has now adapted to the King Solomon channel documenting his activities in the village and the semi-permanent house he lives in Hi iPhone mishukov  Then there is the iPhone, Mishukov, a man born in 1992 from Russia. 

The story he has shared on dailymail says that this iPhone left home at the age of four because his family abandoned him. Then he lived with a pack of dogs.

To local bakeries to beg for food it took police three attempts to get it from the dogs and you know when he was taken to an orphanage near Moscow these dogs followed him but were later killed by bad lu officers yes he did cared for by Tatiana banina his foster mother

Who raised him and sent him to an Army school although in the end he worked as an operator in a factory Awards in 2009 British writer html or three creations to write his story in a play titled given the dogs is different Chapman that there is a female Marina Chapman who shared a dramatic life story quoted from The Guardian around the age of five he was kidnapped and thrown into the Colombian jungle then cared for by capuchin monkeys and grew up with them until several years later he was found by hunters who sold him to a brothel then he fell into slavery when  tried to run away until he was finally adopted and managed to build a harmonious household during his life jump. 

He kept changing his name according to the people around him, then when he was adopted, he chose the name Merida, now she has become a sweet mother and grandmother through The Guardian channel, right?

Sharing being a housewife After experiencing a tragic life story, her neighbors and her children also admit that she is a good mother and a great tree maker.

Are and the most legendary is the story of Andhika's service which is said to be a mogli in the real world.

A lot of things like standing on two legs and getting dressed the only thing he can't do Hai is human language He can only make strange sounds good Story even mentions He only eats meat and from the records on the India page today there are at least fifty cases of feral children  in India everything has traces of life in the jungle and bag Ian from his body adapts like the behavior and shape of animals seem to know problems when they are opposite animals.

Problems come when they return to humans. Besides, on average, they are children who are abandoned. Do you think you should let them stay with the herd or is it better to return them to humans? Comment? 

I'm confused, after that, don't forget to like, share and subscribe Yes, thank you very much for watching until the end.