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Lots of Wandering in Indonesian Waters! This is the Most Dangerous Small Animal in the Waters

If you are asked what animal in the ocean is the most dangerous, you will answer the whale shark, the giant squid or the Kraken from Greek mythology.

A small animal that lives in the waters but is very dangerous, one example is kandiru. This fish is also often named Tutik fish, aka toothpick fish.  in fresh water waters it is usually to determine where he will become a parasite, this kandiru follows in the footsteps of the urea produced by the fish, right after entering kandiru, he can immediately mess with the contents of the fish's gills to suck blood which is the main food for him, it's scary, right?  threaten themselves to humans.
It looks like guys have to be careful though If you like carelessly spraying cheeks here and there, it can be dangerous too if there is blue.

the male parrots, now that you've entered, kandiru will do the same thing, namely gnaw the flesh inside there. Yu, how about it, guys? Can you imagine the pain, this unbelievable pain?

If the fish doesn't want to come out, the doctor has to carry out further medical surgery. Well, because you already know there's this terrible thing, pop, gangs, don't try to pee anywhere else, okay?

Pret which looks like a horror film monster in size and shape of glue free is almost the same as eels so you could say the eel family is more terrifying. How can it not be that in its round mouth there are at least 150 teeth that are ready to tear apart their prey.

Also not kidding because it can be 7 times more powerful than a home vacuum cleaner, what's worse, the laundry won't stop sucking until the prey is dead. So it's only natural that this shoal of fish can wipe out the main fish population somewhere for humans, the strength of the prei glue straw and the strength of the bite  it's really scary, especially if we don't have help to remove the cut, we might also turn pale because of loss of blood. 

But on the other hand, this lamp3 turns out to have the same genes as humans in several ways, so molecular biology scientists have high hopes in research that involves  tkan lemry, like research to find out the origin of cancer and how to treat it, there is another fish that comes from the shark family, namely the biscuit cutter shark, but this shark is quite different when it comes to size, sharks usually appear frightening, with large sizes like white sharks, which can be up to more than  from 4 meters while the biscuit-eating shark can only reach a length of 56 cm. 

Apart from the size, the different things about this shark also come in terms of their habitat.

Reached by humans on one occasion this shark even attacked a child in Australia which left a unique round wound like a biscuit now this wound is indeed the hallmark of the shark we are discussing because its teeth are connected to each other the existence of this shark also answers several  the mysteries of the ocean are like the unique wounds that some have suffered  are big fish like dolphins, whales, even sharks with wounds, it's obvious that the biscuit-cutter shark isn't afraid of bigger animals.

Our blue-ringed octopus should not be fooled by the attractive appearance of this octopus because it turns out that he is a beautiful, poisonous CCB, he said, it is indeed suitable because this blue-ringed octopus has a deadly poison that is used for hunting and also survives. 

This poison is known as tetra dotoxin, which turns out to be  it is a very strong neurotoxin if it is directly hit on humans, the initial feeling is that mango has no effect, but if it's been long enough, the story is different, the victim can feel numb muscles, nausea, until they feel paralyzed. 

So, if the poison is poison, why are you swimming? 

The first rescue method can only be done n Yes, like a drowning person in general, namely artificial respiration, fortunately, even though it has poison which is quite deadly, this blue ring octopus turns out to be a calm type of animal.

yes, the stubborn human then in the video this time there is another dangerous small fish, namely the stone fish or sinenseia ferusa. 

From the shape of this fish, which is also known as the sturdy grouper, it is only the size of our thumb, some of them are also  can reach after Pak's hands of adults, but even though the size is like this, stone fish turns out to be one of the most poisonous fish in the world, from a search conducted, there are at least 13 spines from all over the body of this one fish that can inject neurotoxin poison, the effects of this poison are not kidding.  

Play from momentary paralysis to orang-o people can die, the effect can also run fast, it only takes 2 hours to make someone die.
That's why for fish divers, this one is always on the lookout for the danger, again, this stone fish has properties that are quite difficult to understand.

The model is like a rock, it's clear that we can just be stung by stone fish without realizing that we are interacting with them, so where these animals are located, divers are prohibited from touching coral or sand around them for safety.